Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1160

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74TH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH . 49 . FEBRUARY 11, 1936 . Filtration System, Workhouse and Reformatory, District of Columbia : For an additional amount for construction of a sand filter for the permanent water supply system, fiscal year 1936, $5,250 . Filtration System, Workhouse and Reformatory, District of Columbia : For an additional amount for construction of a perma- nent water supply filtration system (no year), $2,250 . Assistance a gainst old-age want, District of Columbia : To car ry out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Code of Laws for the District of Columbia in relation to providing assist- ance against old-age want", approved August 24, 1935, including not to exceed $15,000 for personal services and other necessary expenses, fiscal year 1936, $120,000 . Pensions for needy blind persons, District of Columbia : To carry out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide pensions 1 for needy blind persons of the District of Columbia and authorizing appropri ations therefor ", approved Au gust 2 4, 1 9 35 , fiscal year 1936, $22,500 . Settlement of claims : For the payment of the claim approved by the Commissioners under and in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Commissioners of the Dis- trict of Columbia to settle claims and suits against the District of Columbia", approved February 11, 1929 (45, Stat ., 1160), as amended by the Act approved June 5, 1930 (46 Stat ., 500), and reported in Hous e Document Numbe red 30 0, Seve nty-fourth Cong ress, $ $1,001.94 . Ju dgm en t : For an add itional amount for the paymen t of a final judgment against the District of Columbia in the case of Vesta L . Wats on against the District of Col umbia, Municip al Court number ed 297-691, $23 . The foregoing sums for the District of Columbia to be payable wholly from the revenues of such District . DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE iSo in original . SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE 11 15 Workhouse, etc ., wa- ter filter . Ante, p. 364 . Addit ional amou nt. Old-age assistan ce . Ante, p. 747 . P ensi ons for ne edy blind . Ante, p. 744. Sett lement of claims . Vol. 45, p. 1160; Vol. 46, p. 500. Vesta L. Wat son, payment of judgment. Sums payable from revenues. Department of Agri- culture . Forest Servic e . Figh ting f orest fires : For an additional amo unt for fighti ng and preventing forest fires, including the same objects specified under this head in the Agricultural Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1936, $1,276,709 . Bur eau of Agricul- BURE AU OF A GRICULTU RAL ECO NOMICS

tarsi Economics . Tobacco Inspection Act : Not to exceed $12,500 of the appropria- Tobacco Inspection Act, adm i

nistrative es- tion for "Salaries and expenses, Bureau of Agricultural Economics", p Ante, p. 731 . fiscal year 1936, may be used during that fiscal year for carrying into effect the provisions of "The Tobacco Inspection Act" approved August 23, 1935 (49 Stat . 731) . Soil C onserva - tion Service. Salaries and expenses : For carrying into effect the provisions of p nsesarie5 and ox- the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the protection of land Ante, p.163. resources ag ainst soil ero sion, and for o ther purposes", approved April 27, 1 935, in cludin g the hire, with or witho ut per sonal servic es, of boats and work animals and animal-drawn and motor-propelled Building vehicles and equipment, an d the construct ion of such bui ldings as tion. in the judgment of the Secretary of Agriculture are required to carry out the provisions of said Act, fiscal year 1936, $6,284,000 : Fighting forest fires . Ante, p . 263 . cons true-