Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/132

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74TH CONGR ESS . SESS. I. CH. 39. MARCH 22, 1935 .

87 ing v ehicl es fo r off icial use in fi eld w ork, inclu ding their exch ange ; replacement, including exchange, of not to exceed two airplanes for service use and two for experimental purposes, maintenance, opera- tion, and repair of airplanes, including accessories and spare parts and sp ecial cloth ing, wearin g app arel, and s uitabl e equ ipmen t for aviation purposes ; and for the acquisition of the necessary sites by lease or grant., $5,175,000 : Provided, That no part of this appro- priation shall be used for any purpose not authorized by the Air Commerc e Act of 1926 as amended. Aircraft in commerce : To carry out the provisions of the Act approv ed Ma y 20, 1926, entit led " An Act to e ncoura ge an d reg ulate the use of aircraft in c ommerce, and for other purposes" (U . S . C . , title 49, sees . 171-184), as amended by the Act approved February 28, 1929 (U . S . C ., Supp . VII, title 49, sec. 173d), and Acts approved dune 19 and 20, 1934 (48 Stat . 1 113, 1116) , inc ludin g per sonal serv - ices in the District of Columbia (not to exceed $235,956), and else- where ; rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; traveling expenses ; contract stenographic reporting services ; fees and mile- age of witnesses ; purchase of furniture and equipment ; stationery and supplies, including medical supplies, typewriting, adding, and computing machines, accessories, and repairs ; purchase, including exchange (not to exceed $2,000), maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles for official use in Purch ase, etc ., of air- field work ; pu rchas e and repla cement , inc luding exch ange, of ai r- planes (not to exceed $16,500) ; purchase of airplane motors, airplane and motor accessories and spare parts ; maintenance, operation, and repair of airplanes and airplane motors ; purchase of special clothing, wearing app arel, and similar equipment for aviatio n purposes ; purchase of books of reference and periodicals ; newspapers, reports, documents, plans, specifications, maps, manuscripts, and all other publications ; and all other necessary expenses not included in the foregoing ; in all, $734,800 . Appropriations herein made for aircraft in commerce and air- navigation facilities shall be available in an amount not to exceed $2,000 for expenses of attendance at meetings concerned with the promotion of civil aeronautics, and also expenses of illustrating the work of the Bureau of Air Commerce by showing of maps, charts, and graphs at such meetings, when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Commerce . BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE

Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com- merce . Salaries : For the director and other personal services in the Dis- Sala ries . trict of Columbia, $321,400 . For carrying out the provisions of the Act approved March 3, Se F° ceign Commerce 1927 (U . S . C., Supp . VII, title 15, sees . 197-197f), to establish in the vol . 44, p. 1394. f

u. S.C.,p.553. Bur eau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce of the Department o Comme rce a Fore ign Co mmerc e Serv ice o f the Unite d Stat es, i nclud- ing personal services in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, the compensation of a clerk or clerks for each commercial attache at the rate of not to exceed $3,000 per annum for each person so em- plo yed, rent outsi de th e Dis trict of C olumb ia, t eleph one s ervi ce, p ur- chase of furniture and equipment, stationery and supplies, typewrit- ing , addi ng, d uplica ting, and comput ing m achine s, ac cessor ies a nd repai rs, l aw bo oks, b ooks of ref erenc e and perio dicals , uni forms, maps, reports, documents, plans, specifications, manuscripts, news- papers (foreign and domestic, not exceeding $2,000), and all other publications, traveling expenses of officers and employees, ice and drinking water for office purposes, and all other incidental expenses Provi so . Use restricted . Vol. 44, p.568; Vol.45, 1) .1404 . U.S.C.,p.2249. Aircraft in commerce . Serv ices and ex- penses. Vol. 44, p. 568; Vol. 45,p.1404;Vol.48,pp. 1113, 1116 . U. S. C., p. 2250. planes, accessories, etc . Attendance at meet- ings, etc. Personal services . Rent, etc .