Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1535

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74TH C ONGR ESS . SESS. II. CHS. 541, 542. JUNE 8, 1936. schools or classes shall be held to include any part-time day-school classes for workers fourteen years of age and over, and evening- Distributive occupa- school classes for workers sixteen years of age and over ; except that tional subjects . the appropriations made by this Act for distributive occupational subje cts shal l be li mited to part-t ime and evening schools as pro - vided in said Act of February 23, 1917, for trade, home economics, and industrial subjects and as qualified by the provisions of this ~Atteend ance at meet- section ; and that the appropriations available under section 4 of this Ac t shall be avai lable fo r expen ses of attendan ce at m eeting of educational associations and other organizations and for expenses of conferees called to meet in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, which, in the opinion of the Commissioner, are necessary for the effi- cient discharge of the provisions of this Act. i

s tran trainin g programs.

SEC. 6a . No part of the appropriations herein authorized shall be expen ded in i ndustri al-plant traini ng progr ams, ex cept suc h indus - tri al-pl ant train ing be bo na-f ide v ocat ional trai ning , and not a de vice to utilize the services of vocational trainees for private profit . Authorizations to be SEC. 7. The appropriations authorized by this Act shall be in lieu inlieuof8, p. 792, thereof and not in addition to the appropriations authorized in sec- U.S.C.,p.906.

tions 1 and 2 o f Publi c Law Nu mbered 245, Se venty-th ird Con gress, approved May 21, 1934 . •States and Terri- SEC . 8. As used in this Act the term "States and Territories" tones" defined .

means the several States, the Territories of Alaska and Hawaii, the Island of Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia . Approved, June 8, 1936 . June 8, i936 . [H. J.Res.377.] [Pub. Res ., No . 104.] State compacts for flood and pollution control . Consent of Congress granted . Approv al by State legislatures. [CHAPTER 542 .] JOINT RESOLUTION To enable the Stat es of Mai ne, New Ha mpshi re, New Y ork, Vermo nt, Massa- c huset ts, Rh ode I sland, Conn ecticu t, Pe nnsylv ania, West Virgi nia, K entuc ky, Indiana, Illinois, Tennessee, and Ohio to conserve and regulate the flow of and purify the wate rs of rivers and st reams whose drainag e basins lie within two or more of the said States . Resolved by the Senate an d House of Representa tives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the consent of the Con gress of the Un ited Sta tes is hereby given to the St ates of Maine, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connect icut, P ennsylva nia, We st Virg inia, Ke ntucky, Indi- ana, Illinois, Tennessee, and Ohio, or any two or more of them, to negotiate and enter into agreements or compacts for conserving and regulating the flow, lessening flood damage, removing sources of pollution of the waters thereof, or making other public improve- ments on any rivers or streams whose drainage basins lie within any two or more of the said States . SEC. 2. No such compact or a g reement shall be binding or obliga- tory upon any State a party thereto unless and until it has been approved by the legislatures of each of the States whose assent is contemplated by the terms of the compact or agreement and by the Congress . Approved, June 8, 1936 .