Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1585

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t4ari CONGRESS . SESS . II. CHS. 617-619 . JUNE 20, 1936 . Registration of collec- tive ma rk belonging to association . U.S.C.,p.542. Issue of certificate restricted. June 20, 1936 . [S. 2127.1 eign country : Provided further, That subject to the provisions of section 5 of said Trade Mark Act (U . S . C ., title 15, sec . 85) regis- tration of a collective mark may be issued to an association to which it belongs, which association is located in any such foreign country and whose existence is not contrary to the law of such country, even if it does not possess an industrial or commercial establishment : And provided further, That certificate of registration shall not be issued for any mark for registration of which application has been filed by a n applic ant loc ated in a forei gn count ry unti l such m ark has been a ctually registe red by t he appl icant in the co untry in which he is located." Approved, June 20, 1936 . [CHAPTER 618 .] AN ACT To amend section 4471 of the Revised Stat utes of the United States, as amended . [Public, No. 712.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives of Regulation of steam the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section v R. S ., see . 4471, p .865 . 4471 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, as amended U. S. C ., p. 2022.

(U. S . C ., title 46, sec . 464), be, and the same is hereby, amended by adding thereto the following new paragraph Passenger vessels . "On and after July 1, 1937, every passenger vessel with berthed Automatic sprinkler syst em re quire d on cer- or stateroom accommodation for fifty or more passengers shall be tam, equipped with an automatic sprinkler system, which shall be in addition to any other device or devices for fire protection, of a type prescribed by the Board of Supervising Inspectors and approved by the Secretary of Commerce . All enclosed portions of such ves- sels accessible to passengers or crew (except cargo holds, machinery spaces, and, when of fire-resisting construction, toilets, bathrooms, and spaces of similar construction) shall be protected by an automatic E xca xcep ti

sprinkler system : Provided, That if after investigation the Bureau ptions . o f Naviga tion an d Steamb oat Ins pection finds i n the ca se of a par- ticular vessel the application of this Act is unnecessary properly to par- T ests to in sure effi- eiency.

protect life on such vessel, an exception may be made . The Bureau of Navigation and Steambo at Inspection shall ca use to be made suitable tests and inspections as will insure the proper working scrbdl; ter m fine 0 of such systems . In carrying out the provisions of this paragraph the Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection is hereby a uthorize d and d irected to pres cribe th e parti cular ap proved t y p e, character, and manner of installation of systems to be fitted . The' term `type' as herein used shall be considered to mean any system which will give a prescribed or required efficiency and shall not mean some peculiar shape or design and shall not be confined to some certain brand or make ." Approved, June 20, 1936 . [CHAPTER 619 .]

AN ACT June 20, 1936 . [S .3997.] To authorize the Secretary of War to lend War Department equipment for use [Public, No. 713.1

at the Eig hte enth Na tio nal Convention of the American Legion at Cleveland, Ohio, during the month of September 1936 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the American Leg ion . United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary L oan of Army e quip- me nt for convention at of War is authorized to lend, at his discretion, to the American thoi zed d' Ohio, an- Legion 1936 Conventi on Corporation, for u se at the Eighteenth