Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1871

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74TIi CONGRESS . SESS . II. CRS . 712-714. JUNE 22, 1936 . between the Capitol and the Executive Mansion, and the interior Provisos'

of the reception hall : Provided, That the loan of the said hospital Time limit of loan. tents , sm aller ten ts, c amp appli ance s, en sign s, fl ags, sign al n umber s, and o forth, to said committee shall ot takepplace prior to the 11th of January, and they shall be returned by the 25th day of January age , In

for dam - 1937 : Provided further, That the said committee shall indemnify the the' said departments, or either of them, for any loss or damage to Loan of hospital such flags not necessarily incident to such use . That the Secretary of tents, supplies, etc . War is hereby authorized to loan to the inaugural committee for the purpose of caring for the sick, injured, and infirm on the occasion of said inauguration such hospital tents and camp appliances, and other necessaries, hospital f urniture, and utensils of all descriptions, ambu- lances, horses, driver s, stret chers, and Red Cross f lags an d poles belonging to the Government of the United States as in his judg- ment may be spared and are not in use by the Government at the Indemnity for dam- time of the inauguration : And provided further, That the inaugu- age, etc . ral committee shall indemnify the War Department for any loss or damage to such hospital tents and appliances, as aforesaid, not necessarily incident to such use . Tempor ary ex tension SEC. 4 . The Commissioners of the District of Columbia and the of telegraph, telephone, etc ., wires permitted . Secretary of the Interior be, and they are hereby, authorized to permit telegraph, telephone, and radio-broadcasting companies to extend overhead wires to such points along the line of parade as shall be deemed by the chief marshal convenient for use in connec- tion wi th the p arade a nd other inaugu ral pur poses, t he said wires to be taken down within ten days after the conclusion of the ceremonies . Approved, June 22, 1936 . [CHAPTER 713 .] June 22, 1936 .

JOIN T RES OLUT ION [S. J. Res. 286.]

Fixing the date of meeting of the Seventy-fifth Congress . [Pub. Res., No . 120.] Resolved by the Senate and H ouse of Representative s of the Seventy-fifth Con- United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Seventy- gr Da'te of meetin g .

fifth Congress shall assemble at noon on Tuesday, the 5th day of January 1937 . Approved, June 22, 1936 . [CHA PTER 714 .] June 22, 1936 . [H. J.Res. 415.]

To ca rry [Pub . Res ., No. 121 .] JO INT R ESOL UTIO N out the intention of Congress with reference to the claims of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota against the United States . Chippewa Indians of Whereas by the Special Jurisdictional Act approved May 14, 1926 Minnesota.

(44 Stat . L . 555), the claims of the Chippewa Indians of Minne- Prea mble . Vol .44,p.555' sota against the United States were referred to the Court of Claims "with right of appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States by either party as in other cases", it being the intention that both parties should have the right of appeal to the Supreme Court ; and Whereas the Supreme Court has since decided that notwithstanding such a provision the re is no right of appeal, in view of the Judicial Code, as amended, unless the Jurisdictional Act specifically pro- vides that the Supreme Court shall review a case on appeal, any- thing in the Judicial Code to the contrary notwithstanding : Now, therefore, be it I So in original .