Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/1981

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1 936 Filling vacancies while on foreign voyage . Penalty for violation . P enal provi sions . Unlawful possession with intent to unlaw- fully use certificate, etc. Use or exhibit of cer- tificate, etc. Altering, etc. Forging, stealing, etc . Possession or use of cou nterf eit, etc., cer- tificate . Making any blank form of c ertificate, etc . Unlawful possession or use. Transfer, etc., of . Aiding or abetting. Penalty . Enforcement of Act . Regulations . Fishing, etc ., vessels exempt . Proviso . Applicabl e provisio ns continued . Separ abili ty pr ovi- sions . Appropriation au- thorized . 74TH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 816. JUNE 25, 1936 . (c) If any vessel while on a foreign voyage is for any reason de prived of the s ervices of any member of the c rew, su ch posit ion or vacancy caused by the promotion of another to such position may be supplied by a person other than defined in paragraph (a) and (b) until the first call of such vessel at a port in the United States where su ch repl acements can be obtaine d . (d) The owner, agent, or officer of any such vessel, who shall employ any person in vio lation of the provisions o f this section, shall be subject to a penalty of $500 for each offense . SEC . 6 . Th at any person who (1) shall receive or have in his possession any certificate, license, or document issued to vessels or officers or sea men by the Bure au of M arine In spectio n and Na viga- tion or by any officer or employee of the United States authorized by law to represent such Bureau, to which he is not lawfully entitled, with intent unlawfully to use the same ; or (2) shall use or exhibit or attempt to use or exhibit any such certificate, license, or document to which he is not lawfully entitled ; or (3) without lawful authority shall alter or change, or attempt to change, any such certificate, lice nse, or d ocum ent b y ad ditio n, i nterp olat ion, dele tion, or erasu re ; or (4) shall forge, counterfeit, or steal, or shall attempt to forge, counterfeit, or steal, any such certificate, license, or document ; or (5) shall unlawfully have in his possession or knowingly use any such altered, changed, forged, counterfeit, or stolen certific ate, license, or document ; or (6) shall print or manufacture, or cause to be printed or manufactured, any blank form of such certificate, license, or document without first . obtaining the authority of the' Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation ; or (7) shall have in his possession without lawful excuse, and with intent unlawfully to use the same, any blank form of such certificate, license, or docu- ment ; or, (8) shall in any manner transfer, or cause to be so trans- ferred, or negotiate such transfer of, any blank form of such certifi- cate, license, or document, or any such altered, changed, forged, cou nter feit, or stole n ce rtifi cate , lic ense , or docu ment, or any such certificate, license, or document to which the party transferring or receiving the same is not lawfully entitled ; or (9) shall aid or abet the perpetration of any of the foregoing acts shall for each offense, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both . SEC. 7. The Secretary of Commerce shall enforce this Act as to all vessels of the United States subject to the provisions of this Act through collect ors of c ustoms and othe r Gover nment of ficers acting under the direction of the Bureau of Marine Inspection and Naviga- tion, and shall make such rules and regulations as he may deem neces sary to c arry out the p rovi sions of this Act . SEC . 8 . No provision of this Act and no amendment made by this Act shall apply to fishing or whaling vessels or yachts : Provided, howe ver , Tha t the pr ovision s of law herein amended shall continue in effect insofar as they are applicable to said ve ssels or yachts with like force and effect as i f this Act had not been p assed . SEC . 9 . If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof to any pers on or c ircumsta nce, is held in valid, the rema inder o f the Act, and the application of the provisions thereof, shall not be affected thereby . SEC. 10. There are hereby authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act . Approved, June 25, 1936 .