Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2139

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INDEX. liii Douglas Harbor, Alaska, examination Page. authorized_ ________ ___ __ ___ ______ _ 11).17 DrainagE~, etc., D istricts, eligibility of, for loans notwithstanding prior liens of assessments, etc __________ __ _______ H 1\1 Drake, Lyman C., payment to__________ 5S0 Dravosburg, Pa., t~ne extended for hridg- ing Monongahela River at_________ 1l!)7 Drug Plants, etc., appropriatilon for in- vestigation ____________________ 259, 1434 Drum Inlet, N. C ., examination author- izecL ________________________ 10:13,1593 Drum Point Harbor, Md., e:.:aminatioll authorized _________ ___ ___ ________ _ 10 ·12 Dry Cimarron River, N. Mex., examina- tion authorized_ _ ______ _ ______ ____ 1595 Dry-Land Agriculture, appropriation for investigation, etc_ _______ __ _____ 259, 1434 Dry Pass, Alaska, improyement au- thorized ______________ . . ___________ 103n Duchesne County, Utah, appropriation for school huildings______ ________ _____ 612 Duck Creek, Calif. , e xa mination author- ized_____________________________ 1595 Duluth. Minn., appropriation for hydro- graphic office expellses __________ 421. 1420 DUluth-Superior Harbor, Minn., and Wis., improvement authorized. __ _ _ _ 103;') Dutch Elm Disease Eradication, appro- priation for ___________________ 267 ,1443 Duwamish River, Wash., examination al\- thorized_______ __ __ ______ __ ___ 1017. 159!) E Eagle Bluff Lighthouse Reservation, con - yeyance of portion of, to WisconsiIL 30U Eagle Pass and Piedras N egras Bridge Company, Tex., sale of portion of military reservation to___ _______ ___ 503 Eagle Pass Military Reservation, Tex. , disposal oL _ _ _______ ____ _________ 503 Eagle Town Reservoir, Okla., examina- tion authorized __ __ __ ___ ____ _____ _ 159U East Brady, Pa. , hridge authorizpd across Allegheny RivcraL_______________ 910 Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hospi- tal, n. C., appropriation for ____ ___ _ 365, 57S, 1614, IS79 Easton, Pa., hridge authorized aeross Delaware RiveraL _______________ 1051 Eastport Harbor, Maine, examination authorized __ ___________ ___ ____ ___ 1040 East River, Wis., portion declared non- navigahle__ _____ ______________ __ _ 1O·1S East St. I~ouis, III.: F1ood-control project authorized______ 15S0 Time extended for bridging l\1ississippi RiveraL ___________________ 536,1254 Eau Gallie, Fla., examinatioll for COI1- Page. necting with intracoastal waterway authorizcu _______________ .. _______ 1044 Economic Conference. See International Monetary and Economic COllfcrcuee. Economy Act. Amendment, domieiliary care and hospitalization of veicramL 729 Ecuador, appropriation for envoy extraor- dinary, etc., to __________________ 1)9,1311 Eddy, L. M., payment to, for serviees_ _ _ 1113 Edgewood Arsenal, Md., improvemcnt of ammunition storage faeilitics, appro- priation authorized_ _________ ______ 1·162 Edinburg, Pa. , brid/l:e authorized across Mahoning River aL______________ 909 Edisto River, examination authorized_ __ 1593 Ediz Hook Lighthouse Reservation, sale of portion of, to Port Angeles, Wash ___ 309 Edmundston, Canada, bridge JegalizC(1 across St. John Rivcr aL _ ____ _ ____ 426 Education, Office of. See Interior, De- partment of. Edwards, Maj. Gen. Clarence Ransom, posthumous award of Distinguishen Service Medal to ________________ _ Edwardsville, Pa., flood""'ontrol Jlroje<~t authorized _____________ . __ _ Eel River, Calif.: Examination authorized _________ . _. _ Flood-control projcet lluthorizc(L ____ _ Egegik River, Alaska, imprO\'clIlcnt au- thorized ________________________ _ "~gypt, appropriation for envoy extraor- 1487 1574 1595 1589 1039 dinary, etc., to__________________ 69,1311 Electric Home and Farm Authority: Continuation of, as Federal agcnt'y ____ I1S6 Heport to Congress_________________ 1186 Electric Utility Companies. See Federal Powcr Act; Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935. Electrification. See Rural Eleetrifiea- tion Act of 1936. Eleven Points River, bridge a~lthori:;:ed across, at Alton, 1\10_______________


Eleventh Olympic Games, Army partit'i - patioIl, ek. , under direetion of ~c('rc- tary of War ________________ __ __ __


Elgin, Ill., coinage of 50-l"mt pie('('s to commemorate anniversary of found- ing ___________ ___________________ 1;)23 Elizabeth, Pa. , bridgc authorize(l aer088 Monongahela Hi vcr at_ __ _ __ _. ____ H05 Elizabeth River, N. J ., improvcment authorize<L _ _ ____________________ 1030 Elks, Order of, use of parks, ck., during session in District of Culumbia _ _ __ _ ti56 Elokomin Slough, Wash., exa mination allthorizcu _______________ . . 1017