Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/2141

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Emergency Relief Appropriation Ad of 1935, Amendments: Public highways and grade crossings excluded f~'om apportionm('nt re- quirements ____________________ _ Puerto Rico, allocation of funds to, as permanent rehabilitation fund, etc_ Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1936: Appropriation for work relief, de ____ _ Funds available _______ ---_--- ____ _ Projectsdesignated____ - - - - - - - - - -- Increases authorized _________ - ____ _ Illegally entered aliens, restriction on employment of ________________ _ Work on projects forbidden unless sum for completion allocated ________ _ Appointmcnts in States from residcnt.s _ Rat(lS of pay, persons engaged on proj- - ccts __________________________ _ President to prcscrihe ruleR, etc______ _ Eligihility of pt:rsons for employment llot heretofore listed____________ _ Adjust(ld-compcnsation payment.s not a bar to employment________ - ____ _ Government agencies, utilization of facilities oL ______ --_- __ -_-- _- __ Grants to aid in financing projects, use of designated funds ____________ _ Time limit for completion of projects_ Projects enjoined by court order, waiver of time requirement __ _ Ma.ximum amount of grant author- ized ________________________ _ Unlawful acts, penalty for __________ _ Candidates for p<,1itical office, ete., restriction on payments to ______ _ Disability or death compensation and benefits; availability of special fund _________________________ _ State administrations, benefits to persons employed under ______ _ State workmen's compensation bene- fits, restrictions on payments to persons entitled to ___________ _ Administrative expenses, allotment of funds for ______________________ _ Minor purchases without advertising __ _ Supervisory, etc., officers, appointment hy President; confirmation by Senate________________________ _ Fede:ral Emergency Relief Administra- tion, liquidation of _____________ _ Reports to Congress _______________ _ Emlenton, Pa. , bridge authorized across Allegheny River at _______________ _ Employees and Employers. See National Labor Relations Act; Social Security Act. ] 040Hl· - :Hl--] a2 INDEX. Iv Page. 1134 1135 1608 1608 1608 1608 1609 1609 1609 1609 1609 1609 1609 1609 1609 1609 1609 1609 1610 1610 1610 1610 1610 1610 1610 1611 1611 1611 910 Employees' Compensation Commission: Page. Appropriation for _________ R, 573, 1601, 1171 Fuud for disability and death com- pensat.ion benefitR, work-relief projeet.s _ __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ ___ 117,1610 Totally disabled employees; additional sum for 8erviees of attendant au- thorized_ ______ __ ______ _________ 1270 World War veterans, etc., injured or killed in Florida hurricane, provi- sions extended to_______________ 2035 Employees' Compensation Funds, appro- priation for _____________________ 9,1171 Employees, Federal. See Government Employees.. Employment. See Emergency Relief Ap- propriation Act.s, 1935, 1936. Employment Service. See Labor, De- partment of; United Stat(ls Employ- ment Service. Emporia, Kans., flood-control project authorized________ ___ ________ __ ___ 1578 Enabling Act of Arizona. See Arizona. Enfield, Conn., land conveyance to_ _____ 1193 Engineer Corps. See War Department. Engineering, Bureau of. See Xayy De- partment. Engraving and Printing, Bureau of. See also Treasury Department.. Additional building for, construetion, etc _________________________ 600,1639 Proceeds of work to he eredited to Bureau _____________________ 227,1837 Scientific investigations by Bureau of Standards___________________ 227,1837 Enrichment, Unjust, tax on. See Revenue Act of 1936. Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bu- reau of. See also Agriculture, De- partment of. Cooperation with Mexican Govern- ment, control, etc., diseases of plants and fruits _________ 266,268,1443 EI Paso, Tex., lease of quarters for ___ _ 448 Epidemics, appropriation for prevention of_______________________________ 229 Erie Harbor, Pa., improvement author- ized_____________________________ 1037 Erwin, Sue Hall, payment to_ _ __ _______ 54 Escambia River, Ala., flood-control proj- ects authorized_______ ____ ____ __ ___ 1575 Esopus Creek, N. Y•• examination 811- thorized ______________________ 1159,1592 Estates and Trusts, tax on. See Ineome Tax. Estate Tax Amendments: Det.ermir>atioll of value of gross estat.e _ _ 1022 Due date; illter('st on extended pay- ment.. _________________________ 1023 Rates.. _____________ . _______________ 1021