xxiv LI ST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RE SOLUTI ONS . Page . Bankruptcy Act, 189 8, amendments. AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States" , approved Jul y 1, 1898, and Acts ame ndatory thereof and sup plementary thereto August 27,1935__ 911 Columbus, Miss ., public building. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to acquire a site for the erection of a post-office building at Columbus, Mississippi
Augu st 27,1 935__ 926 Puerto Rican relief, mortgage foreclosures . JO INT RE SOL UTI ON To amend the joi nt resol ution enti tled "Join t resoluti on for the relief o f Porto Ri co ", a pp ro ve d Decem- ber 21, 1928, to permit an adjudication with respect to liens of the United States arising by virtue of loans under such joint resolution August 27, 193 5-_ 926 Puerto Rican relief, loans, etc . JOIN T RE SOL UTIO N To am end a j oint res olu tion ent itl ed "Joi nt resol ution fo r the re lief of Porto Ri co", app roved De cember 2 1, 1928, as am en ded by the Second Deficiency Act, fiscal y ear 1929, approved Ma rch 4, 1 929
August 27, 1935__ 928 Agricultural income, etc ., investigations . JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the Federal Trade Commission to make an investigation with respect to agricultural income and the financial and economic condition of agricultural producers generally
August 27,1935__ 929 Int erst ate sanit atio n co mpact . JOINT RESOLUTION Granting the consent of Congress to the States of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut to enter into a compact for the creation of the Interstate Sanitation District and the establishment of the Inter- s tate San itat ion Comm issi on August 27, 1935__ 932 United States gold-clause securities . JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing exchange of coins and currencies and immediate payment of gold-clause securities by the United States ; withdrawing the right to sue the United States thereon ; limiting the use of certain appropriations ; and for other purposes August 27, 1935-- 938 Int erstate oi l and gas conservat ion . JOINT RESOLUTION Consenting to an in ter st ate oil compact to conserve oil and gas Augu st 27, 1 935__ 939 Civ il service retiremen t Act, amendment . AN ACT Relative to the retirement of certain officers and employees Au gust 28, 1935__ 941 Bankruptcy Act of 1898, amendment . AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act to estab- lish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States", approved J uly 1, 1 898, and Act s am enda tory the reof and sup plem enta ry t here to
Aug ust 28, 1935__ 942 New York Eastern District Court, additional judge . AN ACT To provide for the appointment of an additional district judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York August 28,1935 __ 945 District of Co lum bia Unemployment Compensation Act . AN ACT To pro vi de for unemploy- ment com pensatio n in the Distric t of Col umbia, a uthorize appropr iations, and for other pu rposes August 28,1935__ 946 Official Register. AN ACT To provide for the compiling and publishing of the Official Register of the United States August 28, 1935__ 956 Andrew Johnson Homestead National Monument, Tenn . AN ACT To provide for the Andrew Johnson Homestead National Monument August 29, 1935__ 958 Inland W aterways Corpora tion Act , amendment . AN ACT To amend the Inland Waterways Corp orat ion Act, approved June 3, 1924, as amended August 29, 1935__
958 Naval Aca de my graduates. AN ACT Amending section 5 of Public Law Numbered 264, Seventy-third Congress, approved May 29, 1934, relative to the appointment of Naval Academy graduates as ensigns in the Navy August 29,1935-- 959 Limitation of shipowners' liability. AN ACT Relative to limitation of shipowners' liability -
_ August 29, 1935 _ _ 960 Rio Grande canalization p roject . AN ACT Authorizing construction, ope ra tio n, and main- tenance of Rio Grande canalization project and authorizing appropriation for that purpose August 29,19 35__ 961 Mou nt R ush more Nat ion al Memorial. AN ACT To provide additional funds for the com- pl et ion of the Mou nt Rushmore National Memorial, in the State of So uth Da ko ta, and for other purposes August 29, 193,5__ 962 Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, c ounsel. AN ACT Limiting the operation of sections 109 and 113 of the Criminal Code and section 190 of the Revised Statutes of the United States with respect to counsel in certain cases August 29, 1935_- 962 Forest-land management. AN ACT To authorize cooperation with the several States for the purpose of stimulating the acquisition, development, and proper administration and management of State forests and coordinating Federal and State activities in carrying out a national program of forest-land management, and for other purposes
Augu st 29,1 935__ 963 Bankruptcy Act of 1898, a mendment. AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States", approved July 1, 1898 , and Ac ts amend atory th ereof an d supple mentary thereto
August 29,1935_- 965 Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, 1920, amendment . AN ACT To withdraw and restore to their previous status under the control of the Territory of Hawaii certain Hawaiian homes lands now in use as an airplane landing field August 29, 193 5-_ 966 Belvoir Military Reservation, Va . AN ACT To authorize the transfer of a cert ain mili tary reservation to the Department of the Interior August 29, 1935-- 967