Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/23

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LIS T OF PUBL IC AC TS AND RE SOLU TIONS . xxv Page. Railroad Retirement Act of 1935 . AN ACT To e stabl ish a retir ement syste m for emplo yees of carriers subject to the Interstate Commerce Act, and for other purposes

August 29,1935__

967 Common carriers, t axes . A N ACT To levy an excise tax upon carriers and an income tax upon their employee s, and for other purposes Aug ust 29 , 1 93 5__

974 Federal Alcohol Administration Act . AN ACT To further protect the revenue derived from distilled spirits, wine, and malt beverages, to regulate interstate and foreign com- merce and enforce the postal laws with respect thereto, to enforce the twenty-first amendment, and for other purposes August 29, 1935__ 977 G overnment contracts . JOINT RESO LUTION To auth orize the acc eptance of bi ds for Government contracts made subject to codes of fair competition _-August 29, 1935_-

990 Ocean-mail contracts, postal service . JOINT RESOLUTION To extend the time within which contracts may be modified or canceled under the provisions of section 5 of the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1934 Aug ust 29 , 1 93 5_- 991 Bituminous Coal Conservation Act, 1935 . AN ACT To stabilize the bituminous coal-mining industry and promote its interstate commerce ; to provide for cooperative marketing of bituminous coal ; to levy a tax on bituminous coal and provide for a drawback under certain conditions ; to declare the production, distribution, and use of bitumi- nous coal to be affected with a national public interest ; to conserve the bituminous coal resources of the United States ; to provide for the general welfare, and for other purposes ; and providing AN August 30, 1935 _ _ 991 Public buildings, laborers, etc . A1V ACT To amend the Act approved March 3, 1931, relating to the rate of wages for laborers and mechanics employed by contractors and subcontractors on public buildings August 30, 1935__ 1011 Obsolete Army e quipment. A N ACT To provide for the donation of certain Army equipment to posts of the Veterans of Foreign Wars August 30, 1935-- 1013 Cannon Ball School District, N . Dak. AN ACT To provide funds for cooperation with Can- non Ball School District, Sioux County, North Dakota, for extension of public- school buildings to be available for Indian children August 30, 1935__ 1013 Fort Yates School District, N . Dak . AN ACT To provide funds for cooperation with Fort Yates School District, Sioux County, North Dakota, for extension of public-school buildings to be available for Indian children August 30, 1935__ 1014 Revenue Act of 1935 . AN ACT To provide revenue, equalize taxation, and for other pur- poses August 30, 1935__ 1014 National Defense Act, a mendment. A N ACT To amend the National Defense Act

Aug ust 30, 193 5__ 102 8 Ri vers and Ha rbors i mp rovemen t. A N ACT Au thorizing the construction, repair, and pres- ervation of certain public works on rivers and harbors, and for other purposes

A ugust 30, 1935-- 1028 Ch ippew as of Wisco nsin, claim s . A N ACT Authorizing the Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin to submit claims to the Court of Claims Aug ust 30 , 1 93 5-- 1049 Bridge construction (omnibus) . AN ACT To authorize the construction of certain bridges and to extend the times for commencing and/or completing the construction of other bridges over the navigable waters of the United S tates, and for other pur- poses August 30,1935-- 1051 Tennessee Valley Authority Act, 1933, a mendm ents . A N ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act to improve the navigability and to provide for the flood control of the Tennessee River ; to provide for reforestation and the proper use of marginal lands in the Tennessee Valley ; to provide for the agricultural and industrial develop- me nt of s aid v all ey ; to provide for the nati onal defense by the crea tion of a co rpora- tion for the operat ion of Government properties at and near Muscle Shoals in the State of Alabama, and for other purposes", approved May 18, 1933

Aug ust 31, 193 5-_ 107 5 Neutrality Act of 1935 . JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for the prohibition of the export of arms, ammunition, and implements of war to belligerent countries ; the prohi- bition of the transportation of arms, ammunition, and implements of war by vessels of the United States for the use of belligerent states ; for the registration and li- censing of persons engaged in the business of manufacturing, exporting, or importing arms, ammunition, or implements of war ; and restricting travel by American citizens on belligerent ships during war August 31, 1935-- 1081 1llenominee Indians, c laim . A N ACT To refer the claim of the Menominee Tribe of Indians to the Court of Cla ims with the absolute right of appea l to the Supreme Court of the United States Septem ber 3,1 935_- 1085 Ship Island Military Reservation, Miss ., purchase p rice . AN ACT To provide for the im- mediate settlement of the obligation of the Joe Graham Post of the American Legion arising out of the purchase of the Ship Island Military Reservation

September 4, 1935__ 1089