Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/225

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 101. MAY 9, 1935. General Land Office.


SALAR IES officepe r Commission and For Commissioner of the General Land Office and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $587,700, including one clerk of grade 1, c lerical, a dministrat ive, and fi scal servi ce, who sh all be designated by the President, to sign land patents . General expenses.

GENERAL EXPENSES Travel expens es, maps, etc.

For traveling expenses of offic ers an d employees, including Ante, p. 178. employment of stenographers and other assistants when necessary ; for separate maps of public-land States and Alaska, including maps showing areas designated by the Secretary of the Interior under th e enl arged homes tead A cts, prepar ed by the G enera l Land Offi ce ; for the reproduction by photolithography or otherwise official plats Restoring lands, etc. of s ur ve ys ; for expenses of restoration to the public domain of lands in forest reserves and of lands temporarily withdrawn for He arings . forest-reserve purposes ; and for expenses of heari ngs or other proceedings held by order of the General Land Office to determine the ch aract er of lands , whet her a lleged frau dulent entr ies ar e of that character or have been made in compliance with the law, and of hearings in disbarment proceedings, $16,000 . Surveying public Surveying public lands : For surveys and resurveys of public lands. lands, examination of surveys heretofore made and reported to be defective o r fraudule nt, inspec ting miner al deposit s, coal fi elds, and timber dist ricts, maki ng fra gment ary su rveys , and such other sur- veys or examinations as may be required for identification of lands for purposes of evidence in any suit or proceeding in behalf of the United States, under the supervision of the Commissioner of the General Land Office and direction of the Secretary of the Interior, veh icles .

$700,000, including not to exceed $5,000 for the purchase, exchange, operation, and maintenance of motor-propelled passenger-carrying Provisos.

vehicles : Provided, That not to exceed $5,000 of this appropriation Temporarily detailed emp lo yee s.

may be expended for salaries of employees of the field surveying service temporarily detailed to the General Land Office : Pro vide d niO egos and n0coo further, That not to exceed $10,000 of this appropriation may be Railro Bay Wago n Ro ad used for the survey, classification, and sale of the lands and timber lands .

of the so-called Oregon and California Railroad lands and the Coos reimbursable . surveys; Bay Wagon Road lands : Provided further, That this appropriation may be expended for surveys made under the supervision of the Commissioner of the General Land Office, but when expended for surveys that would not otherwise be chargeable hereto, it shall be reimbursed from the applicable appropriation, fund, or special deposit. Re gisters ; salaries,

Registers : For salaries and commissions of registers of district etc .

land o ffice s, $8 0,000 . la contingent expenses; Contingent expenses of land offices : For clerk hire, rent, and other incidental expenses of the district land offices, including the expenses of depositing public money ; t raveling e xpenses of clerks de tailed to examine the books and management of district land offices and to assist i n the oper ation of s aid office s, and for traveling expenses of clerks t ransferred in the in terest of the public service f rom one di s- Proviso .

trict la nd office to another , $Provided That no e xpenses Previous autboriza- tion of expense re- chargeable to the Government shall be incurred by registers in the quired .

conduct of local l and office s except u pon previo us specifi c authoriz a- tion by the Commissioner of the General Land Office . Payments to States, Payments to States of 5 per centum of proceeds from sales of from sales of lands .

public lands : For payment to the several States of 5 per centum of