Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/226

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 101 . MAY 9, 1935 .

181 the net proceeds of sales of public lands lying within their limits, for the purpose of education, or of making public roads and im- provements, $2,000 : Provided, That expenditures hereunder shall Pre"iso . Limitation. not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in Vol. 48,p. 1227. accordance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934 . Payment of proceeds of sales of Coos Bay Wagon Ro ad grant Road lauds s Bay Wagon lands and timber : For payment of 25 per centum of the balance of b er. the proceeds from sales of the Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands and timber within each of the counties of Coos and Douglas, Oregon, after deducting the accrued tax es in said counti es and a sum equa l to $2 .50 per acre for the land title to which revested in the United States pursuant to the Act of February 26, 1919 (40 Stat ., p . 1179), Vol.40,p.1179. to be paid to the treasurer of the county for common schools, roads, highways, bridges, and port districts, $3,000 : Provided, Th at PJeU~e» expenditures hereunder shall not exceed the aggregate receipts cov- Limitation . ered into the Treasury in accordance with Section 4 of the Perma- nent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934 . Payments to certain counties in Oregon in lieu of taxes on Oregon Payments to certain and Calif ornia Gra nt Lands : For payment to the several coun ties coVol .4 41p . 915 . on. in the State of Oregon, pursuant to the Act of July 13, 1926 (44 Stat ., p . 915), amounts of money in lieu of the taxes that would have accrued against the revested Oregon and California Railroad Com- pany grant lands if the lands had remained privately owned and taxable, $250,000 : Provided, That payments to the counties shall not P rovis o. exceed the aggr egate receipts c overed into the T reasury in accord - Limitation . ance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934 . Payment to Oklahoma from royalties, oil and gas, south half of pay m egas oyokis. Red River : For payment of 371/2 per centum of the royalties derived home. from the south half of Red River in Oklahoma under the provisions cvP

aso .144 8; u.S. of the Act of March 4, 1923 (U . S. C., title 30, sec. 233), which shall be paid to the State of Oklahoma in lieu of all State and local taxes upon tribal funds accruing under said Act, to be expended by the State in the same manner as if received under section 35 of the Act Vol .41,p.450; U. Q. app rov ed F ebr uary 25, 1920 (U. S. C., title 30, sec. 191), $12,0 00 : c .,p.1344 . Provided? T hat expen ditu res hereu nder sha ll n ot ex ceed the aggr e- Limitation . gate receip ts covered into the Treasury in a ccordance with se ction Vol . 48, p .1227. 4 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934 . BUREAU OF INDIAN AFF AIR S SALARIES Indian Af fai rs Bu- reau . For the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and other personal serv- Commissioner and ices in the District of Columbia, $471,910 .

office personnel . For transportation and incidental expenses of officers and clerks General expenses. of the Bureau of Indian Affairs when traveling on official duty ; for Post, p. 583 . radio, telegraph and telephone toll messages on business pertaining to the Indian Service sent and received by the Bureau of Indian Affairs at Washington, and for other necessary expenses of the Indian Service for which no other appropriation is available, $31,500. For advertising, inspection, storage, and all other expenses inci- Supplies ; purchase, dent to the purchase of goods and supplies for the Indian Service transportation, etc' and for payment of railroad, pipe-line, and other transportation costs of such goods and supplies, $785,000


That no part R sr o . f

on pay- of this appropriation shall be used in payment for any services ments . except bill therefor is rendered within one year from the time the service is performed .