Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/34

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mVi L IST OF PUBLIC ACT S AND RESOLUTIONS . Page . "Shenandoah", dirigible . AN ACT Authorizing the erection of a memorial to those who met their death in the wreck of the dirigible Shenandoah May 22, 1936 _ _ 137 1 Buffalo, N. Y . AN ACT To authorize the Se cretary of War to g rant to the city of Buffalo, New York, the right and privilege to occupy and use for sewage-disposal facilities part of the lands forming the pier and dikes of the Black Rock Harbor improvement at Buffalo, New York May 26, 1936__ 137 1 Virgin Islands, real property ta x. AN ACT To establish an assessed valuation real property tax in the Virgin Islands of the United States May 26, 1936-- 1372 Fort Frederica National Monument, Ga. AN ACT To provide for the establishment of the For t Fred erica Natio nal M onumen t, at Saint Simo n Isla nd, G eorgia , and for o ther purposes _- Withh olding May 26, 1936__ 1373 W ith hold ing pay due Government p ersonnel. ANACT To authorize withholding compensa- tion due Government personnel May 26, 1936__ 1374 Railway Mail Service. AN ACT To provide for adjusting the compensation of division superintendents, assistant division superintendents, assistant superintendents at la rge, as sist ant sup erin ten dent in cha rge of car con str ucti on, chi ef c ler ks, ass ista nt chief clerks, and cl erks in charge of sections in offices of division superintendents in the Railway Mail Service, to correspond to the rates established by the Classification Actof 1923,asam ended May 26,1936__ 137 4 Salem, Mass ., c ustomhouse . ANACT To authorize the transfer of the customhouse at Salem, Massachusetts, fro m the jurisdiction of the Treasury Department to the Depart- ment of the Interior May 26, 1 936__ 137 4 Unlisted securities, et c. AN ACT To provide for the continuation of tra ding in unlisted se - curities upon national securities exchanges, for the registration of over-the-counter brokers and dealers, for the filing of current information and periodic reports by issu ers, a nd for other purpose s May 27, 1936-- 1375 Bureau of Navigatio n and Steamboat Ins pection . AN ACT To provide for a change in the designation of the Bureau of Navigation and Steamboat Inspection, to create a marine casualty investigation board and increase efficiency in administration of the steamboat inspection laws, and for other purposes May 27, 1936- _ 1380 Hernando Do Soto's Expedition Commission . AN ACT Extending the time for making the report of the commission to study the su bje ct of Hernando De Soto's Expedition

May 27,1936__ 138 6 Charleston, S. C. AN ACT Authorizing the Secretary of Commerce to convey the Charles- ton Army Base Terminal to the city of Charleston, South Carolina-_ May 27, 1936-- 1387 Lynchburg, Va ., s esquicentennial. AN ACT To authorize the coinage of 50-cent pieces in commemorat ion of the one hund red and fiftieth an niversary of the is suance of the charter to the city of Lynchburg, Virginia May 28, 1936__ 1387 Alas ka, municipal corporations . AN ACT To authorize municipal corporations in the Ter- ritory of Alaska to incur bonded indebtedness, and for other purposes

May 28, 1936__ 1388 Disabl ed Am erican Vete rans o f the World War. AN ACT To grant a renewal of Patent Num- bered 59560 relating to the emblem of the Disabled American Veterans of the World War May 28,1936__ 138 9 The Holy Name Society . AN ACT Granting a renewal of patent numbered 40029, relating to the badge of The Holy Name Socie ty May 28, 1936-- 138 9 National safety and accident prevention . AN ACT To advance a program of national safety an d acc ident preve ntion May 28,1936__ 138 9 Veterans of Foreign ~' Wars of the United States . AN ACT To incorporate the Veterans of Fo reign Wars of the United States May 28, 1936__ 139 0 Immigration and Naturalization Service, et c. JOI NT RESO LUTI ON A uth oriz ing the erection in the Department of Labor Building of a memorial to the officers of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and Immigration Border Patrol wh o, while on active duty, lost their lives under heroic or tragic circumstances

May 28,1936-_ 139 2 United States Constitution Sesquicentennial Commission . JO INT RESOLUTION To enable the United States Consti tutio n Sesq uicen tennia l Comm issio n to c arry out and give effect to certain approved plans, and for other purposes June 1, 19 36__ 1392 Perry' s Vic tory a nd In ternat ional Peace Memor ial N ationa l Mon ument . AN ACT To provide for the creation of the Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial National Mon ument, on P ut-in- Bay, South Bass Island , in the State of Ohio, and for o ther purposes June 2,1936__ 139 3 Bridge, Pascagoula River . AN ACT Granting the consent of Congress to the Mississippi State Highway Commission to construct, maintain, and operate a free highway bridge across the Pascagoula River at or near Wilkerson's Ferry, Mississippi

J une 2,1936__ 1395 Second Byrd Ant arctic Expedition . JOINT RESOLUTION Authorizing the presentation of silve r medals to the per sonnel of the Secon d Byrd Antarctic Ex pedition

June 2,1936__ 1395 Marine Band . AN ACT To authorize the attendance of the Marine Band at the Arkansas Centennial Celebration, at Little Rock, Arkansas, the Texas Centennial at Dallas, Texas, and the National Confederate Reunion, at Shreveport, Louisiana, between the dates from June 6 to June 16, 1936, inclusive June 3, 1936-- 1395