Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/35

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L IST OF PUBLIC A CTS AND RESOLUTIONS . Xxxvli Page . Veterans' Administration, c hecks . AN ACT To protect the United States against loss in the delivery t hrough the mails of checks in payment of benefits provide d for by laws adm iniste red b y the Veterans' Administration June 3, 1936-_ 1396 Thomas Jefferson Memorial Commission . AN ACT To authorize the execution of plans for a permanent memorial to Thomas Jefferson June 3, 1936__ 1397 Appropriations, Navy Department, etc ., fiscal year 1937. AN ACT Making appropriations for the Navy Department and the naval service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937, and for other purposes June 3, 1936__ 139 8 Appropriations, Department of Agriculture, fiscal year 1937 . AN ACT Making appropria- tions for the Department of Agriculture and for the Fa rm Credit Administration for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1937, and for other purposes ----June 4, 1936__ 142 1 Indian w elfare. AN ACT To amend an Act entitled "An Act authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to arrange with States or Territories for the education, medical atten- tion , reli ef of d istres s, and social welfar e of In dians, and fo r othe r purpo ses ."

June 4, 1936__ 1458 Delaware Indians, Okla. AN ACT To amend the last paragra ph, as amende d, of the Act entitled "An Act to refer the claims of the Delaware Indians to the Court of Claims, with the right of appeal to the Supreme Court of the United States", approved Fe bru ary 7, 192 5 June 4,1936__ 145 9 Indian pueblos in New Mexico . AN ACT To authorize an appropriation to pay non-Indian claimants whose claims have been e xtinguished under t he Act of June 7, 1 924, but who have been found entitled to awards under said Act as supplemented by the Act of May 31, 1933 June 4,1936__ 1459 Postal Service, substitute employees. AN ACT To pr ov ide for the appointment of substitute postal employees, and for other purposes June 4, 1936__ 146 0 Rogue River National Forest, Oreg. AN ACT To add certain lands to the Rogue River National Forest in the State of Oregon June 4, 1936__ 146 0 Plant q uarantine . AN ACT To amend certain plant-quarantine laws June 4, 1936__ 146 1 Drainage, irrigation, etc ., districts, loans . AN ACT To ma ke lands in drainage, irrigation, and conser vancy districts - eligib le for loans by the Federal land banks and other Federal agencies loaning on farm lands, notwithstanding the existence of prior liens of assessments made by such districts, and for other purposes- -June 4, 1936__ 146 1 Filipinos, emigration . AN ACT To extend t he time for applyin g for and receiving benefits und er the Act en tit led "An Act to provide mea ns by which certain Fi lipi nos can emigr ate f rom th e Uni ted St ates" , appr oved July 10, 1935 June 4, 1936_ _ 1462 Ammunition storage facilities . ANACT To authorize an appropriation for improvement of ammunition storage facilities at Aliamanu, Territory of Hawaii, and Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland June 4,1936__ 146 2 NNueces River, etc ., Tex ., flood control . AN ACT Prov idi ng for the ex ami nat ion of the Nueces River and its tributaries in the State of Texas for flood-control purposes

June 4,1936__ 146 2 Rio Grande canalization project . AN ACT Authorizing construction, operation, and mai n- tenance of Rio Grande canalization project and authorizing appropriation for that purpose June 4,1936-_ 1463 Agricultural Adjustment Act, c orrection . AN ACT To correct an error in section 16 (e) (1) of the Ag ricu ltu ral Adjustment Act, as ame nde d, with respect to adjustments in taxes on stocks on hand, in the case of a reduction in processing tax- _June 4, 1936-- 1464 Iowa, land for State park . AN ACT Granting to the State of Io wa for Sta te park purposes certain land of the United States in Clayton County, Iowa June 4, 1936_ _ 1464 Big Blue River, etc ., flood control . ANACT To authorize a preliminary examination of Big Blue River and its tributaries with a view to the control of their floods

June 4, 1936__ 147 1 Lake Champlain Bridge Commission . JOINT RESOLUTION Granting the consent of Congress to the States of New York and Vermont to enter into an agreement amending the agreement be tw een such States consented to by Congress in Public Resolution Numbered 9, Seventieth Cong ress, relating to t he creation of the Lake Champ lain Bridg e Com miss ion June 4, 1936_ _ 1472 International Petroleum Exposition, Tulsa, Okla . JOINT RESOLUTION To permit articles imported from foreign countries for the purpose of exhibition at the International Petroleum Expositio n, Tulsa, Oklahoma, to be admitted wit hout payment of tar iff, and for other purposes June 4,1936__ 1474 Radio facilities . AN ACT Relating to the allocation of radio facilities June 5, 1936- _ 1475 Bankruptcy Act of 1898, a mendment . AN ACT To ame nd the Act entitled "An Act to estab- lish a uniform syst em of bankruptcy th roughout the United States", approved July 1, 189 8, as ame nd ed and supplemented June 5, 193 6__ 1475 State of Maine, duplicate c heck . A N ACT For the relief of the State of Maine__ June 5, 1936_ - 1476 Bridge, Missouri River . AN ACT To fu rthe r ext end the ti mes for c ommen cing and c om- pleting the construction of a bridge across the Missouri River at or near Garrison, North Dakota June 5,1936__ 1476 Alabama judicial districts . A N ACT Relating to the jurisdiction of the judge for the north- ern and middle dist ricts of Alabama June 5, 193 6__ 1476 Bridges, Red River . AN ACT To extend the times for commencing and completing he con- stru cti on of cert ain fr ee high way br idg es acro ss the Red River, from Mo orhe ad, Minnesota, to Fargo, North Dakota June 5,1936__ 1477