Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/374

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS . 192-195. JUNE 7, 1935 .

329 Brockton, Montana : Provided, That the expenditure of any money so appropriated shall be subject to the express conditions that the sc hool mai ntained by the said sc hool dis trict i n the sa id buil ding shall be available to all Indian children of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana, on the same terms, except as to payment of tuition, as other children of said school district, and that accommo- dations in said enlarged building to the extent of one-half its ca pacity s hall be availab le for Indian c hildren from th e Fort Peck Reservation : Provided furt her, That such expenditures shall be subject to such further conditions as may be prescribed by the Secre- tary of the Interior . Approved, June 7, 1935 . [C HAPTER 193 .] AN ACT June 7, 19 35. For expenditure of funds for cooperation with the public-school board at Poplar, (5 .1528 .1 Mo ntana, in the construction or improvement of publi c-scho ol bu ilding to be [Public, No. 108.1 ava ilable to Indian ch ildren of the Fort Peck Indian Reserva tion, Montana . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Stat es of America in Cong ress assembled, That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated from any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated the sum of $25,000 for the purpose of cooperating with the public-school board of district num- bered 9, town of Poplar, Montana : Provided, That the expenditure of any money so authorized shall be subject to the express condi- tions that the school maintained by the said school district in the said building shall be available to all Indian children of Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana, on the same terms, except as to pay- ment of tuition, as other children of said school district and that ac commodat ions in said en larged building to the extent of one- half its capacity shall be available for Indian children from the Fort Peck Reservation : Provided further, That such expenditures shall be subject to such further conditions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior . Approved, June 7, 1935 . [CHAPTE R 194 .1 AN ACT June 7, 1935 . To authorize appropriations for the completion of the public high school at [S.1530.] F raz er, Mo nta na.

[Public, No. IN.] Be it enacte d by the Senate and Hou se of R epresent atives of the United States o America in Congre ss assembled, That there is Fu F, Mont . f

nds for publ ic ° he reby aut horized, out of any fu nds in t he Trea sury not otherw ise school construction, au- thorized. ap propriat ed, the sum of $25,000 for the comple tion of the pub lic Post, p. 534. high school at Frazer, Montana, and for necessary equipment in connection therewith for manual, laboratory, and other lines of training. Approved, June 7, 1935 . [CHAPTER 195 .] AN ACT Provisos . Attendance of Indian pup ils . Limitation on ex- penditures . Poplar, Mont . Funds for public- school construction, au- thorized . Post, p.584. Provisos . Attendance of Indian pu pils . Limitation on ex- penditures . June 7, 1935. To pro vide f unds for co opera tion w ith M arysvi lle S chool Distr ict, n umber 325, [S . 1533 .] Sno homish County, Wash ington, for extensi on of public-school buildings to be [Public, No.110.] available for Indian children . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That there is Mar ysvi lle, wash. Fun ds for pub lic . hereby authorized to be appropriated, from any moneys in the school construction, thorized. Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $38,000 for the thPos p .584 .