Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/375

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74TH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CHS . 195-197 . JUNE 7, 1935 . purpose of cooperating with Marysville School District, number 325, Snohomish County, Washington, for extension and improvements of school buildings : Provided, That the expenditure of any moneys so appropriated shall be subject to the condition that the schools main- tained by said district shall be available to all the Indian children of the district on the same terms, except as to payment of tuitions, as other children of said school district : Provided further, That such expenditures shall be subject to such further conditions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior . Approved, June 7, 1935 . Provisos . Attendance of Indian pu pils . Limitations on ex- penditures . AN ACT June 7, 1935 . [S .1534 .] To provid e fun ds for coop eratio n wit h the schoo l boar d at Queets, Was hingto n, [Public, No.111.] in the construction of a public-school building to be available to Indian children of the village of Queets, Jefferson County, Washington . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there its hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any funds in the Treas- ury not oth erwise a ppropri ated, th e sum o f $10,00 0 for t he purpo se of cooperating with the public-school board of district numbered 20, Jefferson County, Washington, for the construction, extension, and betterment of a public-school building at Queets, Washington : Provided, That the expenditure of any money so appropriated shall be subject to the express conditions that the school maintained by the said school district in the said building shall be available to all Indian children of the village of Queets and Jefferson County, Washington, on the same terms, except as to payment of tuition, as other children of said school district : Provided further, That such expenditures shall be subject to such further conditions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior . Approved, June 7, 1935 . Qu ee ts, Wash. Funds for public- school construction, au- thorized. Post, p.584. Provisos . Attendance of Indian pu pils . Limitation on ex- penditures . June 7, 1935 . [S . 1535.] [Public, No. 112.] White Swan, Wash . Funds for public- school construction, au- thori zed . Post, p.584. Pro visos . Attendance of Indian pupil s . Lim itat ion on ex- penditures. [CH APTER 196. ] [C HAPTER 197 .] AN ACT To provide funds for cooperation with White Swan School District, Numbered 88, Yakima County, Was hin gto n, for ext ens ion of pub lic -sc hool buildings to be ava ila ble for Indian children of the Yakima Reservation . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress a ssembled, That there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, from any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $50,000 for the purpose of cooperating with White Swan School District, Num- bered 88, Yakima County, Washington, for extension and improve- ment of public-school buildings : Provided, That the expenditure of any moneys so appropriated shall be subject to the condition th at the s chools maintain ed by s aid dist rict sh all be a vailabl e to all Indian children of the district on the same terms, except as to payment of tuition, as other children of said school district : Pro- vided further, That such expenditure s shall be subject to such further conditions as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior. Approved, June 7, 1935 . 1 So in original .