Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/541

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7 4TH CONG RESS . SESS. I . CHS . 413, 414. JULY 24, 1935 . Return of process at marshal who shall reside and keep his office at Superior . All writs superior, and other process, except criminal warrants, issued at Superior, may be made returnable at Superior ; and the clerk at that place shall keep in his office the original records of all actions, prosecutions, and special proceedings so commenced and pending therein . Crim- Criminal warrants . inal warrants may be returned at any place within the district where court is held . Whenever warrants issued at Superior shall be returned at any other place the clerk of the court wherein the war- rant is returned shall certify the same under the seal of the court, together with the plea and other proceedings had thereon and the determination of the court upon such plea or proceedings, with all papers a nd orders filed in r eference t hereto, to the clerk of the cou rt at Superior ; and the clerk at Superior shall enter upon his records a minute of the proceedings had upon the return of said warrant, certified as aforesaid . All causes and proceedings instituted in the court at Superior shall be tried therein, unless by consent of the parties, or upon the order of the court, they are transferred to another place for trial " . Approved, July 24, 1935 . [CHAPTER 414 .1 July 24, 1935.


[S . 2532 .] To a mend an Act en titled "An Act setting aside Rice Lake and c ontiguous land s [Public, No . 217 .]

in Minnesota for the exclusive use and be ne fit of the Chippewa Ind ia ns of Minnesota ", appro ved June 23, 19 26, and for ot her purposes . Wild Ri ce Lake In- Be it enacted by the Senate and Home o f Representatives o f the dian Reserve, Minn . Vol . 44, p. 763, United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Act amended . entitled "An Act setting aside Rice Lake and contiguous lands in Minnesota for the exclusive use and benefit of the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota ", approved June 23, 1926 (44 Stat . L . 763), be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows : Permanent reserve "That there be, and is hereby, created within the county of Clear- create d .

water, State of Minnesota, a permanent reserve to be known as Description. `Wild Rice Lake I ndian Reser ve', which reser ve sha ll in clude Rice Lake and the following-described contiguous lands : Beginning at the northwest corner of the northeast quarter southeast quarter sec- tion 8, township 145 north, range 38 west, and running due east to the northeast corner of southeast quarter section 9 ; thence south to northeast corner of northeast quarter section 16 ; thence due east to northeast corner of northeast quarter section 14, township 145 north, r an g e 3 8 w e st ; thence due south to southeast corner of northeast quarter section 2, township 144 north, range 38 west ; thence due west to southwest corner of northwest quarter section 3 of said township and range ; thence due north to southwest corner of northwest quar- ter section 15, township 145 north, range 38 west ; thence due west to southwest corner of northwest quarter section 16 ; thence due north to northwest corner of northwest quarter said section 16 ; thence west to southwest corner of southeast quarter southeast quarter section 8 ; thence north to point of beginning, which, excluding the lake bed, contains approximately four thousand five hundred acres . Undisposed-of lands " SEC. 2 . All unallotted and undis osed-of public or Indian lands w ith in, ma de pa rt of

1> re serve .

held in trust by the United States within the area described in sec- tio n 1 h ereof are h ereby perma nently with drawn from sale o r oth er disposition and are made a part of said reserve ; and the Secretary Acquisition of ot her of the Interior is authorized to (a) accept in the name of the United l By gift. States voluntary conditional grants, conditioned only upon the con- tinued permanent use of said lands for the purpose hereinafter stated, and none other, of any lands within said reserved area now