Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/699

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74Tir CONGRESS . SESS. I. CHS. 549-551 . AUGUST 15, 1935 . Enforcement provi - SEC . 3 . Enforcement of this Act shall be upon information by the sions . corporation counsel in the police court of the District of Columbia . Any person convicted of violating this Act or any regulation of the Commissioners made hereunder shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500 for each and every such offense . Resp onsibi lity of Commissioners for en- SEC. 4. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall be forcement .

responsible for the enforcement of this Act and may direct the Police Department, the Health Department, or any officer or employee of the government of the District of Columbia to perform such service Appropriations au- as neces sary i n conn ection with such e nforce ment . App ropri ation s th post, pp . 1114, 1x55. are hereby authorized to be made to carry out the purposes of this Act, and the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are au thoriz ed to includ e in t heir a nnual estima tes pr ovisio n for the expenses incident to such purposes and for personnel subject to the li mitation s of the Personn el Class ificatio n Act of 1923 . SEC . 5. All provisions of the Act approved February 2, 1899 (30 Stat. 812, ch. 79, sec. 5), which are inconsistent with this Act are he reby r epeale d. Approved, August 15, 1935 . U.S.C.,p.85. Repeal provision . Vol .30,p . 812. Augu st 15, 1935 . is.2865 .1 [Public, No . 280 .1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Re resentatives o f the sesquicentennial Com- Geo rge ce o gars cl am- United States o f America in Congress assemble, That section 8 of missi on .

the joint resolution establishing the George Rogers Clark Sesquicen- tennial Commission, approved May 23, 1928, as amended, is hereby amende d to r ead as follo ws " SEC. 8. The Commission is continued from June 30, 1935, and shall cease and terminate June 30, 1937 ." SEC . 2 . There is hereby authorized to be appropriated, in addition to th e sums heret ofore approp riated for c arryin g out the pu rposes of such joint resolution, as amended, a sum not to exceed $50,000 for carrying out such purposes . SEC . 3 . The unexpended balances of the appropriations heretofore made for carrying out the purposes of such joint resolution, as amended, shall be available until expended . Approved, August 15, 1935 . Func tions of, contin - ued . Vol. 45, p. 724; Vol. 46, p. 1459 . Additional appropri- ation . Post,p.1112. Funds available. Vol. 48, pp. 276, 292, 364 . Aug ust 15, 1935. [H.R.6228.] [Public, No. 281.] Purp oses . [CHAPTER 550 .] AN ACT To amend the joi nt resol ution e stablish ing the George R ogers C lark Ses quicen- tennial Commission, approved May 23, 1928 . [CHAPTER 551 .] AN ACT Authorizing a capital fund for the Chippewa Indian Cooperative Marketing Association . Be it en acted by the Senat e and House of Rep resent atives of th e Marketing Association . cndian . United States o f America in Congress assembled, Tha t the Secret ary Loan to, authorized . of the Interior is hereby authorized to withdraw from the Treasury of the United States the sum of $100,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, of the funds on deposit to the credit of the Chippewa Indians in Minnesota, and to loan such sum to the Chippewa Indian Cooperative Marketing Association . The amount so loaned to said association shall be available for all purposes, including compensa- tion and reasonable expenses of attorneys, purchase of land and erec- tion of suitable buildings, necessary to the businesslike operation of a coo perati ve mar keting syste m to b e cond ucted in acc ordanc e with art icles of inc orpora tion a nd byl aws ap proved by th e Secr etary of