Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/701

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74TH C ONGR ESS . SESS. I. CH. 557. AUGUST 17, 1935. _ITJam . Res. 351.] (Pu b. Res., No . 50.] Washington, D. C., Elks convention . Permits granted for use of certain buildings, parks, ete. Provisos . Condition . Supervision, plans, etc ., of stands, etc . Restoration after use . Indemnity bond. Special traffic regu- lations . [CHAPT ER 557 .] JOINT RESO LUTIO N Authorizing the use of public parks, reservations, and other public spaces in the D istri ct of Colum bia ; and the use of tents, cots, hospital appliances, flags , and o ther decorations, p roperty of the Unit ed States, by Washi ngton (District of Columbia) 1935 Improved, Benevolent, and Protective Order of Elks of the W orld, and for other purposes . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secre- tary of the Interior, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Commis- sioners of the District of Columbia, the Board of Education of the Distric t of Col umbia, and the Archite ct of t he Capit ol are hereby several ly autho rized t o grant permits to the Washing ton (Di strict of Columbia) 1935 General Entertainment Committee of the Improved, Benevolent, and Protective Order of Elks of the World, hereinafter referred to as the "I. B. P . O. E. of W. Committee", for the use of any buildings, parks, rivers, waterways, reservations, sidewalks, or other public spaces in the District of Columbia, under his, their, or its cont rol, respectively, on the occasion of the annual session of the Improved, Benevolent, and Protective Order of Elks of the World in the month of August 1935 : Provided, That such use will inflict no serious or permanent injury upon any such build- ings, parks, rivers, waterwa ys, res ervation s, side walks, o r other public spaces, or any portion or the contents thereof, in the opinion of the person gTanting any such permit, in accordance with this authority : Provided further, That all stands, arches, or platforms that may be e rected on the p ublic s paces af oresaid , includ ing suc h as may be erect ed in connection with any display of firewo rks shall be unde r the s upervisi on of t he said Washing ton (Dis trict o ~ Columbia) Improved, Benevolent, and Protective Order of Elks of the World and in accordance with plans and designs to be approved by the Architect of the Capitol, the Engineer Commis- sioner of the D istrict of Columbia, and the Superintendent of Nati onal Ca pital Pa rks, an d that no perso n or co rporatio n shall be authorized to erect or use any such stands, arches, or platforms without permission of said committee : And provided further, That any such buildings, parks, reservations, or other public spaces which shall be used or occupied, by the erection of stands or other struc- ture s, or o therwise , shall be pro mptly re stored to their condit ion before such occupancy, and the said committee shall indemnify the United States or the District of Columbia, as the case may be, for all damage of any k ind whatsoever sustai ned by reason of any s uch use or occupation, and the said Improved, Benevolent, and Protec- tive Order of Elks of the World Committee shall execute and deliver to the Commissioners of the District of Columbia a satisfactory bond with penalty of $10,000 to secure such prompt restoration and such indemnification . SEC. 2 . That the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are here by auth orized t o desig nate, s et aside , and r egulate the use of such streets, avenues, and sidewalks in the District of Columbia, under their control, as they may deem proper and necessary, for the purpose of said session, and to make such special regulations regard- ing standin g, movem ent, an d opera tion of vehicle s of wha tever k ind or character, and all reasonable regulations necessary to secure the pres ervatio n of pub lic ord er and the prot ection of life and pro p- erty , from the 16th day of August 1935 to the 2d day of Septemb er 19 35, b oth inclu sive .