Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 1.djvu/782

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74T H CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 625 . AUGUST 23, 1935 . The agreement heretofore made between the State of New York and the State of Vermont pursuant to chapter 321 of the laws of 1927 of the State of New York entitled "An Act authorizing desig- nated authorities in behalf of the State of New York to enter into an agreement or compact with designated authorities of the State of Vermont for the creation of the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission, the es tab lis hme nt of the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission, and the defining of the powers and duties of such Com- mission and making an appropriation for such purposes ", and numbered 139 of the Acts of 1927 of the State of Vermont entitled "An Act ratifying a proposed agreement or compact between the State of Vermont and the State of New York relating to the crea- t ion of the Lake Champlain Bri dge C omm iss ion and providing for carrying out the provisions of said agreement or compact", is hereby amended by adding thereto the following articles ARtiCLE XXII The Lake Champlain Bridge Commission is hereby authorized to construct as speedily as possible and to maintain and operate an additional highway bridge or bridges and approaches across Lake Champlain between points to be selected by such Commission more than fifty-two miles north of the bridge heretofore constructed by such Commission : Provided, That if any bridge or bridges be con- structed under this Act, one shall be a bridge from a point in the State of New York at or near Rouses Point to a point in the State of Vermont at Alburg, subject to such consents and approval of Federal authorities in any case as may be necessary . Such bridge so to be constructed is hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Rouses Point Bridge ." ARtiCLE XXIII The said Commission shall have power- 1. To sue and be sued. 2. To acquire, hold, and dispose of personal property . 3 . To acquire lands, rights, or property for Rouses Point Bridge as is provided in article 13 hereof for the bridge heretofore con- structed by it . 4 . To appoint and employ officers, agents, and employees . 5 . To make contracts and execute all instruments necessary or convenient . 6 . To charge tolls for the use of the Rouses Point Bridge and the bridge heretofore constructed by it, subject to and in compliance with agreements made and to be made with bondholders . 7 . To enter on any lands, waters, and premises for the purpose of making su rveys, s oundings , and ex aminatio ns . 8 . To construct and maintain over or along the Rouses Point Bridge or the bridge hereto fore construc ted by it, or either of the m, telephone, tel egraph, or el ectric wires and cables, ga s mains, water mains, and other mechanical equipment not inconsistent with the use of the bridges for vehicular traffic . To contract for such con- struction and to lease the right to construct and/or use the same on such terms and for such consideration as it shall determine : Pro- vided, however, That no lease shall be made for a period of more than ten years from the date when it is made . 9 . Near or on the Rouses Point Bridge or the bridge heretofore constructed by it, to construct and maintain facilities for the public, not inconsistent with the appr opriate use o f the bridges, to contract 104019'-36- 47 Articles added . 737 Agreement-Contd .