Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1030

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3046 PARCEL POST CONVENTION-NOR'VAY. Octobfor 6. 19:\4. November 9, 1U34:' lAst of pcohiblted. IIC- Ucles to be furnished. Customs duties. Parcels subject to. tion to the other, the latter shall proceed in accordance with its laws and its inland regulations. 3. The two Postal Administra- tions shall furnish each other with a list of prohibited articles; but they will not thereby under- take any responsibility whatever towards the police, the Customs Authorities, or the senders of the parcels. ARTICLE 5. CUSTOl\IS DUTIES. The parcels shall be subject in the country of destination to all customs duties and all customs regulations in force in that coun- try for the protection of its cus- toms revenue, and the customs duties properly chargeable there- on shall be collected on delivery, in accordance with the customs regulations of the country of des- tination. ARTICLl) 6. Exchange of parcels. llETIIOD OF EXCHANGE OF PARCELS. Sealed SlICks. Insured parcels. Billing or parcels. Separate entries; pre- pared in duplicate. 1. The parcels shall be ex- changed, in sacks duly fastened and sealed,. by the offices ap- pointed by agreement between the two Administrations, and shall be dispatched to the coun- try of destination by the country of origin at its cost and by such means as it provides. 2. Insured parcels shall be en- closed in separate sacks from those in which ordinary parcels are contained and the labels of sacks containing insured parcels shall be marked with such dis- tinctive symbols as may from time to time be agreed upon. ARTICLE 7. BILLJNG OF PARCELS. 1. The insured parcels and the ordinary parcels are entered in separate parcel bills. The parcel bills are prepared in duplicate. The original is sent in the regular til det annet, skal det sistnevnte behandle lakken overensstem- mende me sine lover og innen- rikske forskrifter. 3. De to poststyrer skal gjen- sidig tilstille hinannen en liste over forbudte saker; men de viI ikke dermed ha overtatt noget ansvar, hverken overfor politiet, tollvesenet eller pakkenes avsen- dere. ARTIKREL 5. TOLLAVGIFTER. Pakkene skal i adresselandet vrere underkastet aIle de toll- uygifter og tollforskrifter som gjelder der i landet for a sikre dets tollinntekter; de rettmessig pulagte tollavgifter skal kreves op ved pakkenes utlevering i overensstemmelse med adresse- In ndets tollforskrifter. ARTIKKEI. 6 . l"RK\IGANGSlIATEN YED UTVEKS- LINGEN AV I'AKKER. 1. Pakkene skal utveksles i tilbf>rlig ombundne og forseglede sekker mellem de kontorer som de to poststyrer efter avtale bestemmer; anenderlandet skal fremsende palili:ene til adresse- landet for sin regning og pu den mate som det selv avghir. 2. Verdii)akker og alminc1elige pakker skal pakkes i sekker hver for sig; merkelappene pu sekker med verdipakker skul vrere merket med s[ldanne tydelige kjennetegn som det til enhver tid er truft'et avtale om. ARTIliKt:L 7. IC\RTERING AV PAI{KER. 1. Verdipakker og almindelige pakker ff5res op i srerskilte pak- kepost karter. Pukkt'postkurtene utferdiges i to eksemplarer. Originalen sen des i brevpostcn,