Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1063

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MULTILATERAL-'VHALING REGULATION. SEPT. 24, 1931. 3079 Convention between the United States oj America and other Powers jor _SePtem!>e~2!!!~_I=-. the Regulation oj Whaling. Concluded at Geneva, September 24, 1931; signed on the part of the United States oj America, March 31, 1932; ratijica,tion advised by the Senate oj the United States, June 10, 1932; ratified by the President, June 17, 1932; ratijication oj the "Cn'ited States oj America d.eposited at Gene'l'a, July 7, 1932; pro- claimed, JanuaMJ 16, 1.935. By THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLA~IATION WHEREAS a convention for the regulation of whaling, dated Geneva, . Regulation of whal· September 24, 1931, and left open for signature until March 31, 1932, IDheamble. was signed by the respective Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America; Albania; Germany; Belgium; Great Britain and Northern Ireland and all parts of the British Empire which are not separate members of the League of Nations; Canada; Australia ; New Zealand; the Union of South Africa; India; Colombia; Denmark; Spain; Finland; France; Greece; Italy; Mexico; Norway; the Netherlands, including the Netherland Indies; Poland; Rumania; Switzerland; Czechoslovakia; Turkey and Yugoslavia; a true copy of which con- vention in the English and French languages is word for word as follows: