Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1078

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3094 Signatures. ~HT:rIL.\TEIL\L-'VIL\LIXU HE(H;LATIO~. SEPT. 24, 19:31. EN FOI DE QUOI les Plenipo- IN FAITH WHEREOF the above- tentiaires susmentionnes ont signe mentioned Plenipotentiaries have la presente Convention. signed the present Convention. FAIT a Geneve, Ie vingt-quatre septembre mil neuf cent trente et un, en un seul exemplaire qui sera conserve dans les archives du Secretariat de la Societe des Nations et dont copie certifiee oonforme sera remise a tous les Membres de la Societe et aux Etats non membres. DONE at Geneva, on the twenty- fourth day of September one thousand nine hundred and thirty- one, in a single copy which shall be kept in the archives of the Secretariat of the League of Nations and of which certified true copies shall be delivered to all the Members of the League of Nations and to the non-member States. ALBANIE ALBANIA Lec KURTI ALLEMAGNE GERMANY Dr. Hans Hermann VOLCKERS ETATS-UNIS D'AM~RIQUE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Hugh R. WILSON BELGIQUE BELGIUM HYMANS GRANDE-BRETAGNE GREAT BRITAIN ET IRLANDE DTJ NORD, AND NORTHERN IRELAND, ainsi que toutes parties de l'Em- and all parts of the British Empire pire britannique non membres which are not separate Members separes de la Societe des Nations. of the League of the Nations. CECIL CANADA H. GUTHRIE COMMONWEALTH D'AUSTRALIE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA James R. COLLINS CANADA NOUVELLE-Z~LANDE NEW ZEALAND Thomas M. WILFORD UNION SUD-AFRICAINE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA INDE COLOMBIE DANEMARK C. T. TE WATER. B. L. MIT'I'ER A. J . RESTREPO Avec reserve, jusqu'A nouvel ordre, pour ce qui concerne Ie Groenland. 1 William BORBERG. INDIA COLOMBIA DENMARK I Translation: With reservation, until further notice, as regards Greenland. [Footnote in the certified copy.J