Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1102

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8118 PAN AMERICAN CONVENTION-EXTRADITION. DEC. 26 , 1933. El Salvador. Ante, p. 3117. Mexico. Ante, p. 3114. Ecuador. Reservation to the effect that EI Salvador, although it accepts in general principle Article XVIII of the Inter-American Treaty of Extradition, concretely stipulates the exception that it cannot cooper- ate in the surrender of its own nationals, prohibited by its Political Constitution, by permitting the transit through its territory of said nationals when one foreign State surrenders them to another. Mexico signs the Convention on Extradition with the declaration with respect to Article 3, paragraph j, that the internal legislation of Mexico does not recognize offenses against religion. It will not sign the optional clause of this Convention. The Delegation from Ecuador, in dealing with the Nations with which Ecuador has signed Conventions on Extraditions, accepts the stipulations herein established in all respects which are not contrary to said Conventions. Hondura8: 1-I. PAZ BARAoNA.- AuGUSTO C. COELLO.- LUISBoGRAN. United States oj America: ALEXANDER W. WEDDELL.-J . BUTLER WRIGHT. El Salvador: HECTOR DAVID CASTRO. - ARTURO R. AVILA. Dominican Republic: TULlO M. CESTERO. Haiti: J. BARAU. - F. SALGADo.- ED MoND MANGONEs. -A . PRRE. PAUL. Argentina: CARLOS SAAVEDRA LAMAS. -. J UAN F. CAFFERATA.- RAM6N S. CASTILLo.-I. RUIZ MORENO.-L . A . PODESTA COSTA.- D. ANTOKOLETZ. Uruguay: A. MA:&E.- JosE PEDRO VARELA.-MATEO MARQUES CASTRO. -DARDO REGULES.-SOFfA ALVAREZ VIGNOLI DE DEMI- CHELI. - TE6FILO PI:&EYRO CHAIN.-LUIS A. DE HERRERA.- MARTfN R. ECHEGOYEN. - JosE G. ANTU:&A.- J . C . BJ"ANCO. -PED RO MANua Rfos. -RoDOLFO MEZZERA.-- oCTAVIO MORAT6.- LUIS MORQUIO.- JOSE SERRATO. Paraguay: JUSTO PASTOR BENfTEZ.- MARfA F. GONZALEZ. Mexico: B. V ADILLO.- M. J . SIERRA. - E DUARDO SUAREZ. Panama: J. D . AROSEMENA. - MAGIN PONs.- EDUARDO E. HOL- GUIN. Guatemala: A. SKINNER KLEE.- J. GONZALEZ CAMPO.- CARLOS SALAZAR.- M. ARROYO. Brazil: LUCILLO A. DA CUNHA BUENO.- GILBERTO AMADO. Ecuador: A. AGUIRRE APARICIO. - H. ALBORNOZ.-ANTONIO PARRA V.-C. PUIG V.- ARTURO SCARONE. Nicaragua: LEONARDO ARGUELLO.- M. CORDERO REYES.-CARLOS CUADRA PASOS. Oolombia: ALFONSO L6PEZ.- RAIMUNDO RIVAS. Ohile: MIGUEL CRUCHAGA. -J . RAM6N GUTIERREZ. -F. FIGUEROA.- F. NIETO DEL Rfo. -B. COHEN. Peru: ALFREDO SOLF Y MURO. Ouba: ALBERTO GIRAUDY. -H ER MI NIO PORTELL VILA. -Ing. A . E . NOGUEIRA.