Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1103

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PAN AMERICAN CONVENTION-EXTRADITION. DEC. 26, 1933. 3119 OPTIONAL CLAUSE Optional clause. The States signing this clause, notwithstanding Article 2 of the Nationality. !lot to d·C . Ed'. h 1 h impede extradition. prece mg onventlOn on xtra ltIon, agree among t emse ves t at m no case will the nationality of the criminal be permitted to impede his extradition. The present clause is open to those States signing said Treaty of Extradition, which desire to be ruled by it in the future, for which purpose it will be sufficient to communicate their adherence to the Pan American Union. Argentina: L. A . PODESTA COSTA.- D . ANTOKOLETZ. Uruguay: A. MA~E.-JosE PEDRO V ARELA.-:MATEO MARQUES CASTRO.-DARDO REGULES. - S OFfA ALVAREZ VIGNOLI DE DEMI- CHELI. -TE6FILO PI:R'EYRO CHAIN. - LuIS A. DE HERRERA.- MARTfN R. ECHEGOYEN.- JOSE G. ANTU:&A. -J. C . BLANCO.-P E DRO MANINI Rfos. -RoDOLFO ~lEZZERA.-OCTAVIO MORAT6. -LuIS ~10RQUIO.­ JOSE SERRATO. CONVENCION SOBRE EXTRADICION Los Gobiernos representados en Ia Septima Conferencia Interna- cional Americana, Deseosos de concertar un convenio acerca de Extradici6n, han nombrado los siguitmtes Plenipotenciarios: Honduras: MIGUEL PAZ BARAONA AUGUSTO C. COELLO LUIS BOGRAN Estad08 Unidos de America: CORDELL HULL ALEXANDER W. WEDDELL J. REUBEN CLARK J. BUTLER WRIGHT SPRUILLE BRADEN ~1iss SOPHONISBA P. BRECKINRIDGE. El Salvador: HECTOR DAVID CASTRO ARTURO RAM6N A VILA J. CIPRIANO CASTRO. RepUblica Dominicana: TULlO M. CESTERO. IIaiti: JUSTIN BARA U FRANCIS SALGADO ANTOINE PIERRE-PAUL EDMOND ~1ANGONES. Argentina: CARLOS SAAVEDRA LAMAS JUAN F. CAFFERATA RAM6N S. CASTILLO CARLOS BREBBIA ISIDORO RUIZ MORENO LUIS A. PODESTA COSTA RA UL PREBISCH DANIEL ANTOKOLETZ.