Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1200

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3216 Entry into force. Duration. Signatures. PARCEL POST CONVENTION-TURKEY. ~~rJ~;~·1~~;5. ARTICLE XXV. ARTICLE XXV. MISE A EXECUTION ET DUREE DE ENTRY INTO FORCE AND DURATION L'ARRANGEMENT. OF AGREEMENT. 1. Le present Arrangement en- trera en vigueur des sa ratifica- tion, toutefois en attendant la ratification, il peut ~tre mis ad- ministrativement a execuition a partir d 'une date qui sera fixee par les Administrations des deux pays. II demeurera en vigueur jus- qu'a ce que I'une des deux Ad- ministrations des pays contrac- tants communique a I 'autre, six mois a I 'avance, son intention d 'y mettre fin. 2. Fait en double et signe a Ankara, Ie 25 mai 1935 et a \Vashington, Ie 2 juillet, 1935. 1. This Agreement shall be- come effective on ratification, but pending ratification it may be put mto force administratively on a date to be mutually settled be- tween the Administrations of the two countries. It shall remain in force until one of the Administrations of the two contracting countries has given notice to the other, six months in advance, of its inten- tion to terminate it. 2. Done in duplicate and signed at Ankara, on the 25 tb of May 1935 and at 'Vashington, the 2nd day of July, 1935. NAZIF BEY Le Directeur General des Postes, TeLegraphcs et Telephones de la Turquie [SEAL] JAMES A FARLEY The Postmaster General oj the United States oj America. PrAI?lrovaJ by the The foregoing Parcel Post Agreement between the United States 681 ent. of America and Turkey has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent and is hereby approved and ratified. In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. [SEAL] FRANKLIN D ROOSEYELT By the President CORDELL HULL Secretary oj State. WASHINGTON, July 9, 193.5 .