Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1319

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PARCEL POST CONVENTION-FRANCE. DECEMBER 7,30,1935. ~te en mesure de d~terminer ce determine what has become of qu'est devenu l'envoi en q1:lestion the article in question or to fix ou de fixer 10. responsabilite en- the responsibility incurred. courue. ARTICLE 17. ARTICLE 17. OFFICE RESPONSABLE. RESPONSIBLE OFFICE. 3335 1. Jusqu'a preuve du contraire, 10. responsabilite incombe a l'of- fice qui, avant re~u Ie colis de l'autre office sans fsire des re- serves, et, ~tant en possession de tous les ~Iements de recherches prescrits, ne peut ~tablir, soit que Ie colis a ~te remis au destina- taire, soit qu'il a ete transmis a l'office suivant. 1. Until the contrary is {>roved, the responsibility rests With the Office which, having received the parcel from the other Office with- out makin~ any reservations and bein~ furrushed all the prescribed partlCulars for an investigation, can not establish either that the parcel has been delivered to the addressee or that it has been transmitted to the following Office. Rsponsiblc offtce. 2. Si 10. perte, 10. spoliation ou l'avarie on t eu lieu en cours de route, sans qu'il soit possible de determiner sur Ie territoire ou dans Ie service de quel pays eUes se sont produites, les Admmistra- tions contractantes payent Ie dommage par moitie. 3. Lea droits de douane et autres taxes dont l'annulation ne peut 8tre obtenue sont A10. charge de l'Administration responsable de 10. perte, de 10. spoliation ou de l'avarie. 4. Par Ie fait du payement de I'indemnite et jusqu'a. concurrence du montant de cette indemnite, l'Administration responsable est subrogee dans les droits de Ia personne qui a rec;u l'indemnite pour tout recours eventuel soit contre Ie destinataire, soit contre I'expediteur, soit contre des tiers. Cependant, si des colis con- sideres comme perdus sont re- trouves ulterieurement, en tout ou en partie, 10. personne a. q.ui l'indemnite a ete payee sera m- formae qu'eUe peut rentrer en possession de l'objet retrouve en remboursant Ie montant de l'in- demnite qui lui a ete payee. ARTICLE 18. 2. If the loss, rifling, or damage has taken place en route without its being possible to determine on the territory or in the service of what country it occurred, the contracting Administrations pay the damage by halves. 3. The customs duties and other charges whose cancelation can not be obtained are charged to the Administration responsible for the loss, rifling, or damage. 4. By the fact of the payment of the indemnity, and up to the amount of such indemnity, the responsible Administrat.ion IS sub- rogated in the rights of the person who has received the indemnity for all eventual recourse against either the addressee, the sender, or third parties. However, if parcels considered as lost are subsequently found, in whole or in part, the person to whom the indemnity has been paid ",ill be informed that he may regain possession of the recovered article by repaying the amount of the indemruty which has been paid to him. ARTICLE 18. REMBOURSEMENT DE L'INDEMNITE REPAYMENT OF THE INDEMNITY Indemnity. 1 L'OFFICE EXPEDITEUR. TO THE DISPATCHING OFFICE. 1. Le pays responsable de In th1.1 Thrifii;:ntry dresponsibledfor parc=~;!.. to d~ perte, de 10. spoliation ou de e oss, ~,or amage an on l'avarie et pour Ie compte duquel behalf of which the payment is