Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1451

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3464 Customs "nforcement areas. ARte. p. 517. PROCLAMATIONS, 1935. ESTABLISHMENT OF CUSTOMS ENFORCEMENT AREA No.2 BY THE PRESIDENT OF TIlE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA A PROCLM:IATION 'WHEREAS section 1(a) of the Anti-Smuggling Act, approved August 5, 1935 (Public No. 238, 74th Congress), provides, among other things, that whenever the President finds and declares that at any place or within any area on the high seas adjacent to but outside customs waters any vessel or vessels hover or are being kept off tho coast of the United States, and that, by virtue of the presence of any such vessel or vessels at such place or within such area, the unlawful introduction or removal into or from the United States of any mer- chandise or person is being or may be occasioned, promoted, or threatened, the place or area so found and declared shall constitute a customs-enforcement area for the purposes of this Act: Ilsf.:. No.2 estab- NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT, President of the United States of America, do hereby find and declare: 1. That vessels hover or are being kept off the coast of the United States on the high seas adjacent to but outside (;ustoms waters within the area. described as follows: Description. That area. of waters of the North Atlantic Ocean bounded by: (a) The arc of a. circle described with a radius of one hundred nautical miles from a center at Latitude forty degrees twenty minutes North (40°-20' N) Longitude seventy-two degrees twenty-eight minutes West (72°-28' W). (b) That part of an irre~ular curve, included within the arc of the circle described in (a), which is the locus of o~tennost points twelve nautical miles offshore from low water mark of the coast of the United States. (e) That part of an irre~lar curve, included within the arc of the circle described in (a), which is the locus of outermost points sixty- two nautical miles offshore from low water mark of the coast of the United States. 2. That the place or immediate area within the area described in paragraph 1 where such vessels are hovering or are being kept is: That place or immediate area on the North Atlantic Ocean at Latitude forty degrees twenty minutes North (40°-20' N) Longitude seven~-two degrees twenty-eight minutes West (72°-28' W). 3. That the area described in paragraph 1 does not include any waters more than 100 nautical miles from the place or immediate area where such vessels are and are hereby declared to be hovering or kept, and does not include any waters more than 50 nautical miles outwards from the outer limit of customs waters. 4. That, by virtue of the presence of such vessels within the area described in paragraph 1, the unlawful introduction or removal into or from the United States of merchandise or persons is being or may be occasioned, promoted, or threatened.