Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1756

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3762 RECIPROCAL TRADE-S'VEDEN. MAY 25,1935. Equitable share of commerce, etc. ARTICLE IX The tariff advantages and other benefits provided for in tIlls Agreement are granted by the Uruted States of America and Sweden to each other subject to the condition that if the Govern- ment of either country shall establish or maintain, directly or indirectly, any form of control of foreign exchange, it shall admin- ister such control so as to insure that the nationals and commerce of the other country will be ~ranted a fair and equitable share 111 the allotment of exchange. With respect to the exchange made available for commercial transactions, it is agreed that the Government of each country shall be guided in the administration of any form of control of foreign exchange by the principle that, as nearly as may be determined, the share of the total available exchange whlch is allotted to the other country shall not be less than the share employed in a previous representative period prior to the establishment of any exchange control for the settle- ment of commercial obligations to the nationals of such other country. The Government of each coun- try shall give sympathetic con- sideration to any representations which the other Government may make in respect of the application of the provisions of this Article. ARTICLE X Modi1lcatiODS whf. 'U In the event that a wide varia- rate of '!Xchange pr('ju- • • dicial t~ flithcr party. tlOn occurs ill the rate of exchange between the currencies of the United States of America and Sweden, the Government of either country, if it considers the varia- tion so substantial as to prejudice the industries or commerce of the country, shall be free to propose negotiations for the modification of this Agreement; and if an agree- ment wit:'} respect thereto is not reached within thirty days follow- ing receipt of such proposal, the ARTIKEL IX De tariffmedgivanden och andra fonnA.ner, som stadgas i denna overenskommelse, Himnas omsesidigt av Amerikas Forenta Stater oeh Sverige pA. det vill- koret, att om regeringen i ettdera landet, direkt eller indirekt, inror eller uppratthAller nAgon form av kontroll betraffande handeln med utHindska valutor, skall den hand- hava kontrollen pA. sA.dant satt, att darigenom sakerstalles, att det a.ndra landets och handel tillerkannas en skalig och rattvis anpart i valutatilldelnin- gen. Vad betraffar den valuta, som gores tillganglig for kommersiello. transaktioner, ar det overenskom- met, att regeringen i vartdero. landet vid handhavandet av varje form fur kontroll av handeln med utlandska valutor skall lAta sig ledas av den principe!! att, sa nara det later sig faststalla, den del a v hela den tillgangligo. valu- tamangden, som tillerkannes det andra lan':iet, icke skall under- stiga den andel, som under en foregaende representativ tidrymd, innan kontroll av valutahandeln infordes, anvants for reglering av kommersiella fordringar, tillkom- mande medborgare i sistnamnda land. Regoringen i vartdera landet skall till valvillig provning upp- taga alIa framstallningar med avseende a tillampningen av be- stammelserno. i denna artikel, 80m rna goras av regeringen i det andra landet. ARTIKEL X I handelse en betydando fi.>r- skjutning skulls intrada i kurs- for hiillandet meHan valutorna i Amerikas ~"orento. Stater oeh Sverige, skall regeringen i vart- dera landet, om den anser for- skjutningen sa vasentlig, att lan- d-ats industri el1er handel diiri- genom tillfogas skada, aga frihet att foresla upptago.nd'3 av fOr- handlingar rorande andring flV denna overenskommelse. Darest enighet i detta hanseende icke nus inom trettio dagar (\fter