Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/1985

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RECIPROCAL TRADE-GUATEMALA. 3991 to be imposed thereafter under laws of the Republic of Guate- mala in force on the day of the signature of this Agreement. ARTICLE II Articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the Republic of Guatemala, enumerated and de- scribed in Schedule II annexed to this Agreem('nt and made a part thereof, shall, on their importa- tion into the United States of America, be exempt from ordinary customs duties in excess of those set forth in the said Schedule. The said articles ~all also be exempt from all other duties, taxes, fees, charges or exactions, imposed on or in connection with importation, in excess of those imposed on the day of the signa- ture of this Agreement or required to be imposed thereafter under laws of the United States of America in force on the day of the signature of this Agreement. ARTICLE III The United States of America and the Republic of Guatemala agree that the notes included in Schedules I and II, respectively, are hereby given force and effect as integral parts of this Agree- ment. ARTICLE IV Articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the Umted States of America or the Republic of Guatemala, shall, after importa- tion into the other country, be exempt from all internal taxes, fees, charges or exactions, other or higher than those payable on like articles of national origin or any other foreign origin. ARTICLE V In respect of articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the United States of America or the Republic of Guatemala, enumer- ated and described in Schedules I posterior requieran las leyes vi- gentes en 10. Republica de Gua- temala el dia de 10. firma de este Convenio. ARTICULO II Los articulos cultivados pro- Specified imports • 'from Guatemala, d"lCldos 0 manufacturados en 10. Republica de Guatemala, enu- merados y descritos en 10. Lista II Po3t, p. 4010 . anexa a este Convenio, del cual forma parte, se eximiran, a su importaci6n en los Estados Unidos de America, de derechos aduaneros ordinarios que excedan a los cstablccidos en dicha Lista. Esos articulos estaran tambien Ko excess duties, etc. cxentos de cualesquiera otros d,erechos, impuestos" contribu- Clones, cargas 0 exaCClOnes supe- rio res a los que pesen el dfa de 10. firma de este Convenio sobre 0 respecto 10. importaci6n, 0 cuya imposici6n posterior requieran las leyes vigentes en los Estados Unidos de America el dia de 10. firma de este Convenio, ARTICULO III LR'bl'dGtI Notes in schedules a cpu lca e ua ema a Y considered part of los Estados Unidos de America Agreement. , d I Powt, pp. 4002, 4010. convlCnen en ar a as notas que forman parte de las Listas I y II, respectivamente, fuerza y efecto como partes integrantes de este Convcnio. ARTICULO IV Los articulos cultivados, pro- ducidos 0 manufacturados en 10. Republica de Guatemala 0 en los Estados Unidos de America, des- pues de su importaci6n en el otro pais, estaran exentos de cuales- quiera impuestos, contribuciones, cargas 0 exacciones internas, di- ferentes 0 mayores que los paga- deros sobre arHculos analogos de origen nacional 0 cualquier otro origen extranjero. ARTICULO V Internal taxes, etc. En cuanto a los articulos cul- A<l val?reJI.l duties, . d d'd Determmatlon, etc" tlva OS, pro UCI os 0 manufac- or rates. turados en 10. Republica de Gua- temala 0 en los Estados Unidos de America, enumerados y des- lwt, pp, 4002, 4010.