Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/310

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2326 74TH CONGRESS. SESS. II. CHS. 614-616,652. JUNE 19,20,1936. r OCll108 't f August 15, 1934, at Wheelock Academy, Oklahoma: Provided, That penTarmstroBot (talk)lan~-e a~m::~ when the said Juanita Filmore shall have attained the age of twenty- of twenty-one. one years, the superintendent of the Five Civilized TrIbes Agency, Muskogee, Oklahoma, shall Pt: to her the unexpended balance, If Attorney·s . etc.• fees any, of such fund: Provided urther, That no part of the amount forbidden. • d' h'Athll'd . edb t appropnate Int IS C Sa epal toorrecelv yanyagen or attorney on account of services rendered in connection with this Penalty for violation. claim and any person violating the provisions of this Act shall be deem~d guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $1,000. June 19. 1936. [II. R. 12408 .] [Private. No. 632.] Approved, June 19, 1936. [CHAPTER 615.] AN ACT For the relief of Robert D. Baldwin. Be it enacted by the Senate and. IIou8e of Repre8entatives of the Robert D. Baldwin. United States of America in Oongress assembled, That the Comp- Credit allowed in 3CCOuntsof. troller General of the United States be, and he is hereby.;,. authorized June HI. 1936. [H. R. 12622.] [Private. No. 6.33.j - and directed to allow credit in the accounts of Robert v. Baldwin, superintendent and special disbursing agent of the Haskell Institute, at Lawrence, Kansas: for an expenditure of $50.28 made during November and Decemoer 1931 and January 1932 and paid from the appropriation for "Indian boarding schools, fiscal year 1932." Approved, June 19, 1936. [CHAPTER 616.] AN ACT For the relief of Doctor Harold W. Foght. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatit'es of the ~::;It ~h:TarmstroBot (talk)t. in United States of America in Oongress assewled, That the Comp- accounts of. troller General of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to allow credit to Harold W. Foght, Superintendent of the Cherolree Indian Agency, North Carolina, for the sum of $377.40, which amount was expended from appropriated funds for the trans- portation of the household effects of Doctor Foght to his new post of duty at Cherokee, North Carolina. June 20. 1936. [B. R . 2262.) [Private. No. 634.} William H. Locke. Payment to. Approved, June 19, 1936. [CHAPTER 652.] AN ACT For the relief of William H. Locke. Be it enaoted bJ! the Senate mid IIoulie of Reprr.'?cntrtfiVf'8 of the United State8 of America in Oongrcs8 a88cmbled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to William H. Locke, of San Francisco, California, the sum of $633.23, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appro- priated1r~nd in full settlement of all claims against the Government of the united States, the same being an amount due him by the Post Office Department, as a balance of an amount of $1,400 reward for services rendered as special agent for the Southern Pacific Rail- road Company in connection with the arrest and conviction of Roy G. Gardner, charged with hold-up and robbery of the Southern Pacific train numbered 20, between Roseville and Newcastle, Cali-