Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/629

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TELECOMMUNICATION CONV~NTION, DECEMBER 9, 1932, 2645 APPENDIX 14 Appendix 14. > Internal Regulations of the International Radl'o Consulting Internal regula~ions of the International Comml'ttee (C C I R ) Radio. Consulting • •• • Committee. (See article 31) ARTICLE 1 By "managing administration" shall be meant the administration in charge of organizing a meeting of the C.C .I .R . The managing administration shall start taking care of the work of the C.C .I .R . five months after the closing of the preceding meeting; its duties shall end five months after the closing of the meeting it has organized. ARTICLE 2 The managing administration shall set the place and definite date of the meeting which it has charge of organizing. At least 6 months before the aforesaid date, the managing administration shall address the invitation to this meeting to all the administrations of the Inter- national Telecommunication Union, and, through the latter, to the companies, groups of companies, and international radio organizations covered in article 31 of the General Radio Regulations. ARTICLE 3 § 1. The first meeting of the plenary assembly shall be opened by the managing administration. This assembly shall appoint the necessary committees and shall distribute to them the questions to be dealt with, in classes. It shall also appoint the president and the vice president of the C.C .I .R . and the chairman and the vice chair- man or vice chairmen of each committee. § 2. The president of the C.C .I .R . shall conduct the plenary assemblies; in addition, he shall have the general supervision of the work of the meeting. The vice chairmen shall assist the chairmen and replace them in case of absence. ARTICLE 4 The secretariat for the meeting of the C.C .I .R . shall be provided by the managing administration, with the collaboration of the Bureau of the Union. A nit, p. 2563.