Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/698

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2714 INTERNATIONAL LABOR ORGANIZATION. JUNE 28,1919. Attendu que la non-adoption par une nation quelconque d'un regime de travail reellement hu- main fait obstacle aux efforts des autres nationsdesireuses d'amelio- rer Ie 80rt des travailleurs dans leurs propres pays; Les HAUTES PARTIES CONTRAC- TANTES, mues par des sentiments de justice et d'humanite aussi bien que par Ie desir d'assurer une paix mondiale durable, ont convenu ce qui suit: CHAPITRE PREMIER. Organisation. ARTICLE 387. Ohjects and member- II est fonde une organisation ship. Divisions or. Meetings, etc. permanente chargee de travailler A la realisation du programme expose dans Ie preambule. Les Membres originaires de la Societe des Nations seront Mem- bres originaires de cette organisa- tion, et, desormais, la qualite de membre de 10. Societe des Nations entratnera celIe de mem- bre de ladite organisation. ARTICLE 388. L'organisation permanen te com- prendra: 1° Une Conference generale des representants des Membres; 2° Un bureau international du Travail so us la direction du Conseil d'administration prevu Al'article 393. ARTICLE 389. La Conference generale des re- presentants des Membres tiendra des sessions chaque fois que besoin sera et, au moins, une fois par an. Elle sera. composee de qua.tre representants de chacun des Membres dont deux seront Whereas also the failure of any nation to adopt humane condi- tions of labour is an obstacle in the way of other nations which desire to improve the conditions in their own countries; The HIGH CONTRACTING P AR- TIES, moved by sentiments of justice and humanity as well as by the desire to secure the per- manent peace of the world, agree to the following: CHAPTER 1. Organisation. ARTICLE 387. A permanent organisation is hereby established for the promo- tion of the objects set forth in the Preamble. The original Members of the League of Nations shall be the original Members of this organisa- tion, and hereafter membership of the League of Nations shall carry with it membership of the said organisation. ARTICLE 388. The permanent organisation shall consist of: (1) a General Conference of Representatives of the Members and, (2) an International Labour Office controlled by the Govern- ing Body described in Article 393. ARTICLE 389. The meetings of the General Conference of Representatives of the Members shall be held from time to time as occasion may require, and at least once in every year. It shall be composed of four Representatives of each of