Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/736

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2752 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. Validity. Dans Ie cas ou une ou plusieurs des Parties contractantes ne rati- fieraient pas Fun ou l'autre des Actes signes par elles, ceux-ci n'en seraient pas moins valables pour les Etats qui les auront ratifies. Elf,1("1 and <Iuration. Ces Actes sont mis a execution Extraordinary SP8- ~i(in~, Hules aPI,Iil:at.!e. simultanement et ont Ia meme duree. Des Ie jour fixe pour la mise a execution des Actcs adoptes par un Congres, tous Ies Actes dll Congres precedent sont abroge~. ARTICLE 15 Conures extraordinaires. Lorsque la demandc en est faite ou approuvee par les deux tiers au Jlloins des Pays contractants, un Congres extraordinaire est reuni apres entente avec Ie Bureau international. Lcs regles edictees aux articles 13 ct 14 sont applicables aux delegations, aux deliberations et aux Actes des Congres extra- ordinnires. AU'rICLE 16 Reulement des Congrcs. Chaq ue Congrcs arrNe Ie regle- mont lH~cessaire it ses travaux et a f;es "deliherations. ARTICLE 17 Conferences. Conrert:nce.~ on. all- Des Conferences chargees de llIinistn.l1vll questious. l' d t' t examen e ques Ions puremen administratives peuvent etre re- unies a 18 demande on avec l'assentiment des deux tiers au moins des Administrations de l'Union. Enes sont convoquees apres entente avec Ie Bureau inter- national. Chaque Conference arrete son reglement. ARTICLE 18 Oommissions. In case that one or more of the contracting countries do not rati- fy one or another of the Acts signed by them, the latter will nevertheless be valid for the countries which have ratified them. Those Acts are put into effect simultaneously and have the same duration. From the date fixed for the en- try into force of the Acts adopted by a Congress, all the Acts of the preceding Congress are abrogated. ARTICLE 15 Extraordinary Congresses An extraordinary Congress is called together by agreement with the lnternntional Bureau when a request to that effect is made or flpproved by at least two-thirds of the contracting countries. The rules laid down by Articles 13 and 14 are applicable to the delegntions, the deliberations, and th~ Acts of extraordinary Con- gresses. ARTICLE 16 Regulations for Congresses Each Congress draws up the necessary regulations for its work and deliberations. ARTICLE 17 Conferences Conferences charged with the examination of purely administra- tive questions may be called to- gether at the request or with the consent of at least two-thirds of the Administration., of the Union. They are called together by agreement with the International Bureau. Each Conference draws up its own regulations. ARTICLE 18 Oommittees ('ommitteemeetings. Les Commissions chargees par Committees charged by a Con- un Congres ou une Conference gress or a Conference with the de l'etude d'une ou de plusieurs study of one or more particular