Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/778

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2794 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20,1934. Postcards. 2. -I l est loisible a chaque pays de reduire a 10 centimes la taxe de la carte postale simple et a 20 centimes celle de la carte postale avec reponse payee. Unpaid or deficient 3.- Le tarif adopte par un pays postage. s'applique aux taxes a percevoir a I'arrivee par suite d'absence ou d'insuffisance d'affranchissement. III Avoirdupois ounce. Once avoirdupois. Optjonalsu~titution II est admis par mesure d'ex- of equivalent In grams.. I' . ceptIOn, que es pays qUI, a cause de leur regime interieur, ne peu- vent adopter Ie type de poids metrique decimal, ont la faculte d'y substituer l'once avoirdupois (28,3465 grammes) en assimilant 1 once a20 grammes pour les lettres et 2 onces a 50 grammes pour les pa:eiers d'affaires, imprimes, echant1l10ns et petits paquets. IV Ma!ling I'orrespond. Depot de correspondances d l' etran- ('nce In another coun- try. ger. Prevention, etc. Reply coupons. Aucun pays n'est tenu d'ache- miner, ni de distribuer aux des- tinataires, les envois que des e~editeurs quelconques domi- cihes sur son territoire deposent ou font deposer dans un pays etranger en vue de beneficier des taxes plus basses qui y sont eta- blies. La regIe s'applique sans distinction, soit aux envois pre- pares dans Ie pays habite par l'expediteur et transportes ensuite a travers la frontiere, soit aux envois confectionnes dans un pays etranger. L'Administration lllte- ressee a Ie droit, ou de renvoyer les objets en question A l'oripne, ou de les frapper de ses taxes lllte- rieures. Les modalites de la per- ception des taxes sont laissees a son choix. V Coupons-reponse. 2. It is permissible for any country to reduce the postage on single post cards to 10 centimes, and that on reply post cards to 20 centinles. 3. The rates adopted by a coun- try are applicable to the charges to be collected upon arrival as a result of absence or insufficiency of prepayment. III Avoirdupois ounce It is agreed, as an exceptional measure, that countries which, on accOlmt of their domestic legisla- tion, can not adopt the decimal metric system of weights, have the option of substituting therefor the avoidupois· ounce (28.3465 grams), assimilating one ounce to 20 grams for letters and 2 ounces to 50 grams for commercial papers, prints, samples and small packets. IV Mailing of correspondence in another country No country is bound to forward or deliver to addressees articles which any senders domiciled on its territory mail or cause to be mailed in a foreign country with a view to profiting by lower rates which are established there. The rule applies, without distinction, either to articlesjrepared in the country inhabite by the sender and suhsequently transported across the border, or to articles prepared in a foreign country. The Administration concerned has the right either to return the articles in question to origin or to charge them with its domestic postage rates. The methods of collecting the charges are left to its discretion. V Reply coupons Sale optional. Les Administrations ont la fac- Administrations have the op- ulte de ne pas se charger du tion of not undertaking the sale debit des coupons-reponse. of reply coupons.