Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/852

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2868 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20,1934. raison de 5% l'an, a compter du jour d'expiration desdits d61ais. Arrearage. 6. -- Si Ie payement n'e~t llas eifectu6 un an apres l'explratlOn des d61ais fixes au § 5, il est loisible a l'Administration cr6anciere d'en informer Ie Bureau international, lequel invite l'Administratioll d6bitrice a payer dans un d61ai qui. ne doit pas depasser quatrc mOIS. Si Ie payement n'est pas cf- fcctue jusqu'a I'expiration de ce nouveau delai, Ie Bureau inter- national fait figurer la somme en cause, augment6e des intercts, dans Ie decompte general annuel suivant, aI'Avoir de l'Administra- tion creancicrc. En cas d'application des dis- positions de I'alinea precedent, Ie decompte general dont il s'a~it et ceux des quatre annees qui suivent ne doivent, autant que possible, pas contenir, dans les soldes du Tableau 2, d('s sommes a payer par I'Administration defaillante a I'Administration creancicre in- teressee. TITRE VIn Various providions. DISPOSITIONS DIVERSES. Reply coupons. Form. etc. P06t, p. 2916. O;>tions. CUAPITUE UNIQUE AUTICLE 172 Ooupons-reponse. I. -Les coupons-reponse sont conformes au modele C 26 ci- annexe. Ils sont imprimes, sur papier portant en filigrane les lettres U P U en grands caractcres, par les soins du Bureau interna- tional qui les livre aux Adminis- trations au prix cot1tant. 2. -Chaque Administration a la facultC: a) de donner aux coupons- reponse une perforation distinc- tive qui ne nuise pas a la lecture du texte et ne soit pas de nature A entraver In verification de ces valeurs; b) de modifier, a la main ou au moyen d'un proc6d6 d'impres- at the rate of 5 per cent a year, counting from the date of expira- tion of the said periods. 6. Ii payment has not been effected one year after the expi- ration of the periods fixed by Section 5, it is permissible for the creditor Admmistration to so advise the International Bureau, which invites the debtor Adminis- tration to pay within a period which shall not exceed four months. If payment has not been made by the end of that new period, the International Bureau enters tho sum in question, increased by the interest, in the following gen- eral annual account, to the credit of the creditor Administration. In case of application of the provisions of the preceding para- ~raph, the general annual nccount m question and those for the four yenrs following shall not, as fttr as possible, contain, in the blliances of Table 2, any amounts to be paid by the defaulting Adminis- tration to the creditor Adminis- tration concerned. TITLE VIII VARIOnS PROVISIONS SOLE CHAPTER AUTICLE 172 Reply coupons 1. Reply coupons conform to Model C 26 hereto appended. They are printed, on paper having in the watermark the lotters U P U in largo characters, under the supervision of the Interna- tional Bureau, which furnishes thorn to the Administrations at eost. 2. Each Administration has tho option: (a) Of giving tho reply coupons a distinctive porforation which does not interfore with the roading ofthetextandisnotofsucha nature as to hinder verification of the coupons; (b) Of modifying, by hand or by means of a printing process,