Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/854

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2870 UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MARCH 20, 1934. Requirements. 3. - Au moment de 180 demande, Ie requerant remet sa photo- graphie et justifie de son identite. Les Administrations edictent les prescriptions necessaires pour que les cartes ne soient delivrees qu'apres examen minutieux de l'identite du requerant. Vagent inscrit cette demande sur un registre, remplit a l'encre et en caracteres latins toutes les indications que comporte Ia for- mule de carte d'identite, colle sur celle-ci Ia photographie a I'endroit designe, applique mi-partie sur cette photographie et mi-partie sur la carte un timbre-poste repre- sentant la taxe per<;ue et annule cette figurine au moyen d'une empreinte bien netto du timbre a date. n appose ensuite de nouvea.u l'empreinte de ce timbre ou de son sceau officiel, de maniere qu'elle porte a la fois sur la partie superieure de la photographie et sur la carte, puis reproduit cette empreinte au recto de la carte, signe celle-ci et la remet a l'in- teresse apres avoir recueilli sa signature. Renewal of photo· 4.-Lorsque la physionomie du graph. Rights reserved. POIt, p. 2917. Warship mails. Exchange. titulaire s'est modifiee au point qu'elle ne reponde plus a la photo- graphic ou au signalement, la carte doit etre renouvelee. 5. -Chaque pays conserve 180 fa.culte de delivrer les cartes d'identite du service international selon les regles appliquees pour les cartes en usage dans son service inMrieur. Les Administrations peuvent ajouter un feuillet a la formule C 28, destine a recevoir des annota- tions speciales pour les besoins de leur service interne. ARTICLE 174 Dep~ches echangecs avec des bdti- ments de guerre. l.-Ve tabIissemen t d'un echange, en depeches closes, entre une Administration postale et des divisions navales ou des batiments de guerre de meme nationalite, ou entre une division navale ou un bAtiment de guerre et une autre 3. At the time of application, the applicant submits his photo- graph and proves his identity. The Administrations fix the nec- essary requirements so that cards may not be issued until after careful investigation as to the identity of the applicant. The employee enters that appli- cation in a register; fills in with ink, and in Latin characters, all the information called for by the form of identity card; affixes the photograph to it in the designated pJace; applies, half on the photo- graph nnd half on the card, a postage stamp representing the charge collected; and cancels that stamp by means of a very neat impression of the date stamp. He then also applies an impres- sion of that stamp or his official seal in such a manner that it appears both on the upper part of the photograph and on the card, then reproduces that impression on the third page of the card, signs the latter, and delivers it to the in- terested party after obtaining his signature. 4. "nlCn the appearance of the holder becomes changed to such an extent that it no longer agrees with the photograph or descrip- tion, the card shall be renewed. 5. Each country reserves the right to issue identity cards for the international service in ac- cordance with the rules appli- cable to carde used in its domestic serVICe. Administrations may attach a leaflet to Form C 28 to receive such special annotations as may !:>e required in the domestic serv- Ice. ARTICLE 174:

Afails exchanged with warships

1. Notice shall be given, as far as possible in advance, to the intermediate Administrations, of the establishment of an exchange of closed mails between a Postal Administration and naval divi- sions or warships of the same