Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/864

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2880 Antr, p. 2866. Small balances. Communications through Bureau. Particulars. Ante, p. 2811~. Ante, p. 2746 . UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONVENTION. MAHCH 20, 1984. Administration, doit etre cifectue aussitot que possiole et au plus tard quinze jours apres 180 recep- tion du bordereau de liquidation par l'Administration debitrice. Les dispositions de l'article 171, § 1, sont applicables en ce qui con- cerne les autres conditions de payement. Les dispositions du § 5 dudit article font regIe en cas de non-paycment du solde dnns Ie delai fixe. Les soldes debiteurs ou credi- teurs n'excedant pas 500 francs peuvent etre reportes a la liquida- tion du mois suivant, a 180 condi- tion toutefois que les Administra- tions interessees soient en rapport mensuel avec Ie Bureau interna- tional. II est fait mention de ce report dans les recapitulations et dans les liquidations pour les Ad- ministrations creancieres et debi- trices. L'Administration debi- trice fait parvenir, Ie cas echeant, a I'Administration creanciere, une reconnaissance de 180 sorrune due, pour etre portee au prochain tableau. ARTICLE 189 Communications d adresser au Bureau international. I. -Les Administrations se transmettent, par l'intermediaire du Bureau international, 180 col- lection en trois exemplaires de leurs timbres-poste et des impres- sions-tY{les de leurs machines a affranchir, avec indication de 180 date a partir de laquelle les tim- bres-poste des emissions ante- rieures cessent d'avoir courS. 2. -Ellesdoivent, en outre, com- muniquerauBureauinternational: a) la mention gu'elles ont adoptee, par application de l'arti- cle 106, § 2, corrune equivalent de l'expression "Taxe perc;ue" ou "Port paye" ; b) les taxes moderees qu'elles ont adoptees en vertu de l'article 5 de 180 Convention et I'indication des relations auxquelles ces taxes sont applicables; c) l'mdication des surtaxes qu'elles perc;oivent pour frais de ministration, shall be made as soon as possible, and at the latest fifteen days after receipt of the balance sheet by the debtor Ad- ministration. The provisions of Article 171, Section 1, are appli- cable in regard to the other con- ditions of payment. ThelI'Ovi- sions of Section 5 of the sni Arti- cle govern in case of non-payment of the balance within the period fixed. Debit. or credit balances not exceeding 500 francs may be car- ried over to the balance sheet for the following month; provided, however, that the Administra- tions concerned urc in monthly communication with the Inter- national Bureau. :Mention is made of such carrying over in the recapitulations and in the settle- ment accounts for the creditor and debtor Administrations. The debtor Administration, in such a case, sends the creditor Adminis- tration an acknowledgment of the sum due, to be carried over to the next table. ARTICLE 189 Communications to be addressed to the I nternat'ional Burea u 1. Administrations communi- cate to one another, thru the in- termediary of the International Bureau, a triplicate collection of their postage stamps and speci- men imprlissions of their stamp- ing machines, with indication of the date from which postage stamps of previous issues cea ..e to be valid. 2. They shall also communi- cate to the International Bureau: (a) The annotation which they have adopted, by application of Article 106, Section 2, as the equivalent of the expression Taxe perru,e or Port paye; (b) The reduced rates which the:y have adopted by virtue of Article 5 of the Convention, and an indication of the relations to which such rates are applicable; (c) An indication of the sur- charges which they collect as