Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 49 Part 2.djvu/89

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74TH Ct)NGRESS. SES3. I . CHS.396 -398. JULY 19, 1935. 2105 [CHAPTER 396.] AN ACT For the relief of Robert D. Baldwin. July l!l, 1935. (~, 149S,) [Pri\:lItTarmstroBot (talk)o.l45T Be it enacted by tlte ,senate and H O'U8e of Representatives of the FnitedGStates of A 1 11wricCf in SOon g re b 88 a88 d em h ,bl.ed, Thbat the hCo~Pd- TarmstroBot (talk) 14:10, 19 November 2014 (UTC)ttt l!il!~~wir~ troller eneral of t Ie Umted tates e, an e IS here y, aut OrIze accounts or, and directed to allow credit in the accounts of Robert D. Baldwin, superintendent and special disbursing agent of the Haskell Institute, at La,vrence, Kansas, for an expenditure of $1,359.26 made in October 1931 and paid from the appropriation for Indian boarding schools, fiscal year 1932. Approved, July 19, 1935. [CHAPTER 397.] AN ACT For the relief of Robert J. Enochs. Be if enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Al1wrica in Oongress a8sernlJl,ed, That the Comp- troller General of the United States be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to allow credit in the accounts of Doctor Robert J. Enochs, former superintendent and special disbursing agent of the Choctaw Indian Agency, Philadelphia, Mississippi, for an expendi- ture of $80.07 made in January 1932 for shoes, and paid from the appropriation" Support of Indians and Administration of Indian Property, 1932." Approved, July 19, 1935. [CHAPTER 398.] AN ACT July 19, 1935. (S. 1499;-,' -,;)~_ [Private, ::- ':0. 146 .] Robert J. Enochs. Credit allowed in Ul'('ounts of. For the relief of Carl C. Christensen. July 19, 1935. (8.15(.6 ,) [Fri\;at-~~o~J4f.] Be it enaeied by the Sena.te and House of Repl'('sentath,rg of the United Stales of America in (/ongre88 a88em~bled, That the SecretarY Carl c. Christensen. of the Treasury is authorized and directed to pay, out of any money l'ayment to. in the Treasury not otherwise appropriat~d, to Carl C. Christensen. of Spider Lake, Vilas County, 'Visconsin, the sum of $3,5()0, in fnll satisfaction of all claims of said Carl C. Christensen against the United States for damages resulting from personal injuries sustained by him on April 22, 1934, when shot by one Lester M. Gillis (alias Baby Face N clson) , while assisting two agents of t he Department of Justice, Division of IJwestigation. in their endeavor to apprehend one .Tohn Dilling('r and his assocIates: Provided, That no llUrt of Pr I ,Of'!8o., 1 ' . l'I'A' f .lmltatlOn on a:tor· t Ie amount appropl'late( III t us ct III excess 0 10 per centulll ney·s . etc" fee<', thereof shall be paid or delivered to or received by any agent ?r agents, attorney or attorneys, on account of services rendered ]Jl connection with said claim. It shall be unlawful for any agent or agents, attorney or attorneys, to exact, collect, withhold~ or recei,'c any sum of the amount appropriated in this Act in excess of 10 per centum thereof on account of services rendered in connection with said claim, any contract to the contrary notwithstanding. Anv Penalty ror vioJation. person violating the provisions of this Aet shall be deemed gllilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined ill any sum not exceeding $LOOO. Approved, July 19, 1935.