Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1004

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LX !NDEX Moa-eU Field, Sunnyyale, CaUf., sum Page Mount Rainier National Park, Wash., Pare available for installation of water- appropriation for administration, ctc_ 605 supply system _ _ _ ___ ______ _____ __ _ 4St Mounl Rushmore National Memorial MoJaye Riyer. Calif., examination all- Commission, appropriation for______ 567 thorizcd_______ __ ___ __ ____ __ __ ____ 879 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, appro- Mona Lake (Lake Harbor) Channel, priation for maintenancc, E'tc___ _____ 609 Mich., examination authorized_ ____ _ 854. Mulock Creek, Fla., examination author- Monetary and Economic Conference, ized_ _ __ ______ ___ ___ __ ___________ 878 International, balanccs continned Munitions. See Neutrality Act of 1935, available for ___________________ . __ 228 Amendments. MODO County, Calif., exchange of ccrtain Munitions Contro~ Board, National. See lands, etc., in, with Los Ange\('S for Neutrality Act llf 1935, Amendments. benefit of I ndiaos_ __ ___ _ __________ 70 Murphy, Louis. payment to widow of. __ _ 8 Mononlahela Riyer: Mutual Investment COlI'panies, tax on___ 831 Time extended for bridging, at- Mycology _d Disease Survey, appropria- Dravosburg-McKeesport, Pa________ 245 tion for___________________________ 409 Pittsburgh________________________ 245 Myers Chuck Harbor, Alaska, examina- Rankin-Whitakf'r, Pa______________ 245 Hon authorized____________________ 855 Monroe Harbor, Mieh., improvenlt'nt authorized________________________ 848 N Montaa.e, Andrew J., payment to widow ot. ___ ______ _______ _______ _______ 9 Nantasket (Bu!l) Gut, Mass•• examina- Moatana: tion authorized ______________ . __ _ _ _ S51 Appropriation for- Nanticoke RiYer, Md., improvcment au- Glacier N ationai Park, administra- thorizcd_--_---------------------- 84tl tion, etc_______ ______ __ __ __ ___ 60 .. Narcotic Drug Ad, certain provisions made Indians, support, etc., oL ________ 5iS,580, applicable to Marihuana Tax Act of 582,58~586,589,590 1937_____________________________ 555 Sun River project, construction - ___ _ Bridge authorized across Mi880uri River at Poplar______________________ _ Conveyance of lamb. to, for public park, etc_, purposes __________________ _ Glasgow. accommodations for district court provided in Federal building_ Livingston, term of court provided at __ Minerai patents, validation of certain, heretofore i88ucd _______________ _ RiverB and harborB, preliminary exam- inations authorized _____________ _ Yellowstone River, cOlJ.b . .)nt of Congress Riven to interBtate compact with Wyo. for division of waterB oL __ _ Mont_a National Bison Range, appropri- ation for maintcnf\nce _____________ _ Monterey Barbor, Calif., examination authorized_______________________ _ Moosa, N. J ., appropriation authorized for payment to Great Britain 'as in- demnity for injuries to _________ .. __ Appropriation for ___________________ _ Morehead City Harbor, N. C ., improve- ment. authorized __________________ _ Moroc:co. appropriation for contribution, Cape Spartel and Tangier Light____ _ M«onQo Irri::atlon ProJed. Calif., appro- priation for ______________________ _ Motor Traasport Regulation. appropria- tionfor_.. _______________________ _ Mouat Mc.K.t..~e)' National Park, Alaska, appropriatioD for administration. ctc_ 595 Narcotie Laws, punishment of second, third. andl<ubsequcnt offenders; meth- 542 od of bringing previous conviction be- fore eourt_________ ____ _ __ __ ____ ___ 627 746 Narcotics, Bureaa of. Su Treasury De- partment. 837 Narcotics Convention of 1931, appropria- 474 tionforimplementing ______________ 268 Nashyille. Tenn., exa.mination author- 41'5 ized for flood protection_ ___________ 87S Natchez. Miss., time extended for bridg- 878 in,. Missi88ippi Riverat____________ !j();.? Natchez Trace Parkway. appropriation for continuing construction_____________ fillS 551 National AdYisory Cancer CounciL See National Cancer Institute Act. 420 National AdYisory Committee for Aeronau- tics, appropriation for ____________ 216,338 S55 National Arboretum, appropriation for maintenance, etc___________________ 409 National Archiyes, aJ.'propriation for_____ 338 129 Natiunal Ayiation Day, 1937, designation 768 of___________ _ ____ ___ __ ___ _____ __ _ 202 National Bank Anociations, refund of ex- 847 CCBS duty_________________________ 772 National Bltumlnou8 Coal Comml88ion. 267 See Bituminous Coal Act of 1937. National Board for Promotion of Rifle 577 Practice, appropriation for ____ ______ 467 N-ztional Cancer Institute Act: 337 Acceptance ~f gifts________ __ __ ___ ____ 561 Appropriations authorized_ _____ ____ 561, 562 605 Appropriation for_______ ______ _____ 772