Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/1005

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INDEX LXI Natlon.1 Ca..ceI' 11I8t1tllte Ac&-Contd. Effective date ______________________ _ National Advisory Cancer Council, establishment, composition, etc__ _ Powers and duties ________________ _ NlI.tional Cancer Institute established as division in Puhlie Health Serv- p .... 562 660 560 ice_____________________________ 059 Surgeon General, a~thority and du- ties________________________ 559,560 N.tlo.... C.pit.. Park a ..d Pla..nI.., Com- mission: Appropriation for ______________ 339, 38~~' 758 National Gallery of Art, determin.tioll of building lines, !ltc., by________ 53 Natio:\.1 Collectio.. or Fi..e Arts. name of nat.ional Itallery of art, Smithsonian Institution, changed to ____________ _ N.tional Educ.tloa ASlOClation 0' the United States: Charter amendment.s-- Board of Trustees, meetingR, etc ___ _ Invested fund, investment, rcstri!'- tion on expenditure, et~ ___ .. __ Secretary, selection oc. ___ _ ... __ _ Meetings, call of, provision repealed_ Membership qualifil'ations, etc ____ _ Officers .... ____________________ . ___ _ National Forest Reservatio'! Commlssio... appropriation Cor ____ .. _____ . __ .. National Foreata. Bee also Agriculture. Department of, Forest Service. Columbia, Wash., lands added_ . __ __ _ _ Rogue River, Oreg., lands added_eo. _ _ ' Snoqualmie, Wash., lands added _____ . Natioaal GallerJ 0' Art: Construction authorbed ____ - __ - __ - __ . George Washington Memorial Building, provisions for erection of, repealed_ National Collection of Fine Arts, .'lame of natiollal gallery of art, SmithBon- ian Institution, changed to_ - __ - _ . Construction pro\'isions repealed ___ .. Officers and employees, appointment, pay,etc_______ - _____ - ___ ...--__- Trustees of, establishment of hoard of; 53 '!57 257 258 258 257 257 411 622 534 739 51 53 53 52 ~atlonal HOBsin, Act, Amendment.-Con. Insurance of financial institutioIlll against loss, provisions extended__ _ 70 Limitation on liability authorized to beincu~ __________________ _ 71 MaximulII amount________________ _ 71 Rehabilitation of property damaged by catastrophe. __________ ____ _ 71 National I.stitute or Health, appropriation for maintenance__________________ _ 148 National Labor Relatlo ..s Board, appro- IIriation for _________ _____ ______ _ 339, 751'. National Mediatio.. Board: Appropriation for_________ .. __ __ _ __ _ 216,340 National Railroad Adjustment Board_ 340 National Mo.. uments. Bee alst) National Park Service. Appropriation for admilliRt~lItion, etc PipeRtone, Minn., establishment, etc _.. National Munitions Control Board. Bee alllO Neutrality Act of 1935, Amcnrl- ment.fl . HeliUnl, export licenseR, issuance by __ ... National Museum, apl)rupriation for ____ . Natlunal Parks. Set. allo Int('rior, Depart- ment of; Nationsl Park Scr,·ice. Everglade", Fla., prohihition on expendi- ture of public money fur adminis- tration, etc., eliminated _________ _ Fort Donelson National Military, Tenn., lands added ____________________ .. Administration, ete_______________ _ Great Smoky Mountains, N. C ., ell:- change of certain landa withi", for lands within Cherokee Indian .Res- ervation _________ • _____________ • Hot SprinRB, Ark., cession of jurisdic. tion by State accepted ________ .. _. Mammoth Cave, Ky., lands Rdded ___ • Great Onyx and CrYRtal Caves, eJ:clu- sion from, authorued __________ _ Shenandoah, police power &/Illumed by United State!!; notification to Vir- ginia___ . _.. __ .... __ .. _____ __ ..... __ .. Yosemite, Calif., ar.quisitiun of lands for addition to_________ . __________ _ 606 XS7


742 881 883 243 R71 K7t 700 composition, duties, etc __________ _ 52 Appropriation for _________ . _____ __ . 485 764 Upkeep by United States___ __ ______ _ Acce~iance of gifts, etc., authurized __ Appropriations authorized ____ - . . __ . National GallerJ or Art, Sml..hsonlan Insti- tution, appropriation for ____ .. ___ ... National Guard. See also War Dl'part- mellt. Army personnel on duty with, (."JrWlI rent payment!! validated _________ - National Housin. Ad, Amendments: Debentures issued by 'Federal HouaiDg Administrator, c:'[telisioD of period ofguarantee_________ • __________ - 52 National Park &nlce. See aile:. Interior, 52 Department of. Capc Hatteras National Seashore, N. C., administration by _______ .. __ .. 670 Fort Donl·lson National Military Park, Tellll., admiuistration by __ ______ 883 LecturCll, use of funds for ____________ . 607 Pipestone National MOllumeut, MiDn .• 724 administration by_____________ . _ 864 Telephone illlltallationa, etc., autho.dty for______________________________ 607 National RaI~toad Adjutmellt Board, liP- pruprialiQn for _________________ . 216.340