Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/321

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75 T$ C ONGRE SS, 1ST SESSION-CH. 359-JUNE 16, 1937 Proviso .

field work of the Bureau of Fisheries, $73,600 : Provid ed, That a R eport to Congr ess . statement of expenditures from this appropriation shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget . Fishery market news service : For collecting, publishing, and dis- tributing, by telegraph, mail, or otherwise, information on the fishery industr y, infor mation o n market supply a nd deman d, comme rcial movement, location, disposition, and market prices of fishery prod- ucts, with or without cooperation with any department or agency of the United States, or any State or Territory, or subdivision thereof, compensation of temporary employees, purchase of equip- ment and supplies, travel and preparation of reports, printing and binding, and all other necessary expenses (not exceeding $50 in any one case) connected therewith, $75,000, including pay of permanent employees, of which not to exceed $8,000 may be expended for per- sonal services in the District of Columbia : Provid ed, That a state- ment of expe nditures from this appropr iation shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget . Alaska, general service : For protecting the seal fisheries of Alaska, including the furnishing of food, fuel, clothing, and other necessities of life to the natives of the Pribilof Islands of Alaska ; not exceeding $20,000 for construction, improvement, repair, and alteration of buildings an d roads, transportation of su pplies to and from the islands, subsistence of agents and other employees while on said islands, hire and maintenance of vessels, purchase of sea otters, and for all expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to protect the seal fisheries of Alaska, and for other purposes", approved April 21, 1910 (U . S . C ., title 16, sees . 631-658), and for the protection of the fisheries of Alaska, including pay of permanent employees not to exceed $69,900, contract steno- g raphic report ing service, hire of boat s, employment of temporary labor, and all other necessary expenses (not exceeding $50 in any one case) connected therewith, $274,000, of which $100,000 shall be avail- able immediately : Provided, That a statement of expenditures from this appropriation shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget . Enforcement of black-bass law : To enable the Secretary of Com- merce to carry into effect the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Act entitled An Act to regulate interstate transportation of black bass, and for other purposes', approved May 20, 1926" (U . S. C ., title 16, sees . 851-856), approved duly 2, 1930 (46 Stat ., pp . 845- 847), $13,500, of which not to exceed $7,400 may be expended for perso nal services in the District of Columbia. Mississippi Wild Life and Fish Refuge : For construction of b uild ings , b oats , . and p onds, for pu rchase of equ ipment, inclu ding b oats, for maintenance, operat ion, repair, and improvements , includ- ing e xpenditures for personal serv ices at the seat of governmen t and elsewhere as may be necessary, as authorized in the Act approved dune 7, 1924 (U . S . C ., title 16, sees . 721-731), 817,900 . Whaling Treaty Act : To ena ble the Secretar y of Comm erce to ex ecute th e functi ons impos ed upon him by " The Whali ng Treat y Act", approved May 1, 1936 (49 Stat . p . 1246), preparation of re- ports, and all other necessary expenses, $3,600, of which not to exceed 3,200 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. The appropriation herein under title III for traveling expenses shall be available, in an amount n ot to exceed $750, for expens es of attendance at meetings concerned with the work of the Bureau of Fisheries when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Commerce . Fishery market news service . Proviso . Rep ort to Congre ss. Alaska, general serv- ice . Seal fisheries . 36 Stat. 326. 16U.S.C.°°631- 658. Proviso . Repor t to Congress . Black-bass law, en- forcement . 44 Stat. 576; 46 Stat. 845 . 16i,.S.C.°°851- 856 . Mississippi Wi ld Life and Fish Refuge . Construction, main- tenan ce, etc. 43 Stat . 650. 16U.S.C.°°721- 731 . Whaling Treaty Act, expenses under . 49 star: 1246. 16U.S.C.,Supp. II. °° 901-915 . Attendance at meet- ings .