Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/373

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348 E lect ric Home and Farm Authority. Funds available for administrative ex- penses. Post, p. 757. 49 Stat. 1186. Ante, P.5. 44 Stat. 688. 5U.S.C . °° 821-833 . Proviso. Designated services, etc ., considered non- administrative . Export-Import Bank of Washington. Funds available for administrati ve ex- penses . 49 Stat.4. Ante, p.5. 44 Stat . 688. 5 U.S.C. °°821-833. Proviso . Des ignated servic es, etc., considered non- administrative . Federal Home Loan Bank Board . Administrative ex- penses. 47 Stat. 725. 75TH CONGRESS, IST SESSION-CH. 396-JUNE 28, 1937 it has an interest, i ncluding expenses of collections o f pledged collat- eral, shall be considered as non administrative expenses for the pur- poses hereof . ELECTRIC HO ME AND FARM AUTHORITY Not to exceed $300,000 of the funds of the Electric Home and Farm Authority, established as an agency of the Government by Executive Order Numbered 713 9 of August 12, 1935, continu ed to February 1, 1937, by the Act of March 31, 1936 (Public, Numbere d 484, Seventy-fourth Congress), and continued further until June 30, 1939, by the Act of January 26, 1937 (Public, Numbered 2, Seventy- fifth Congress) , shall be avail able dur ing the f iscal ye ar 1938 for administrative expenses of the Authority, including personal serv - ices in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; travel expenses, in accordance with the Standardized Government Travel Regulations and the Act of June 3, 1926, as amended (U. S. C., title 5, sees. 821-833) ; printing and binding ; law books and books of reference ; not to exceed $200 for periodicals, newspapers, and maps ; procure- ment of supplies, equipment, and services ; typew rite rs, a dding machin es, and o ther lab or-savin g device s, includ ing thei r repair and exchange ; rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; and all other administr ative ex penses : Pro vi de d, Tha t all ne cessary e xpenses (including special services performed on a contract or fee basis, but not including other personal services) in connection with the acquisi- tion, care, repair, and disposition of any security or collateral now or hereafter held or acquired by the Authority, shall be considered as non administr ative ex penses f or the p urposes h ereof . EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF WASHINGTON Not to exceed $50,000 of the funds of the Export-Import Bank of Wash ingto n, e stabl ished as an ag ency of t he Go vernm ent by Ex ecu- tive Order Numbered 6581 of February 2, 1934, continued until June 16, 1937, by the Act approved January 31, 1935 (Public, Numbered 1, Sevent y-fourth Congress ), and f urther c ontinued until Ju ne 30, 1 939, under the Act approved January 26, 1937 (Publ ic, Numbered 2, Seventy-fifth Congress), shall be available during the fiscal year 1938 for ad ministrat ive expe nses of the bank , includi ng perso nal serv ices in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; travel expenses, in accord- ance with the Stan dardi zed Gover nment Tra vel R egula tion s and the Act of June 3, 1926, as amended (U . S . C., title 5, sets . 821-833) ; printing and binding ; law books and books of reference ; not to exceed $250 for periodicals, newspapers, and maps ; procurement of supplies, equipment, and services ; typewriters, adding machines, and other labor-saving devices, including their repair and exchange ; rent in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; and all other necessary administrative expenses : Provided, That all necessary expenses (including special services performed on a contract or fee basis, but not including other personal services) in co nnect ion with the acquisition, operation, maintenance, improvement, or disposition of any real or personal property belonging to the bank or in which it has an interest, including expenses of collections of pledged col- lateral, shall be considered as nonadministrative expenses for the purposes hereof . FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK BOARD For the administrative expenses of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, established by the Federal Home Loan Bank Act of July 22, 1932 (47 Stat ., p . 725), including personal services in the District