Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/400

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75TH CONGRESS, 1sT SESSION-CH . 403-JUNE 29, 1937 H EALTH DE PARTMENT SALARIES For pe rsonal s ervices, includi ng not exceedin g $19,36 0 for e mployees in the permit office and ambulance service, and not exceeding $16,880 for th e insp ection of al l publ ic est ablish ments and em ployee s wher e food is sold or served, $217,690 . PREVENTION OF CONTAGIOUS DISEASES For contingent expenses incident to the enforcement of the pro- visions of an Act to prevent the spread of contagious diseases in the District of Columbia, approved March 3, 1897 (29 Stat ., pp . 635- 641), and an Act for the prevention of scarlet fever, diphtheria, measles, whooping cough, chicken pox, epidemic cerebrospinal men- ingitis, and typhoid fever in the District of Columbia, approved February 9, 1907 (34 Stat ., pp . 889-890), and an Act to provide for registration of all cases of tuberculosis in the District of Columbia, for free examination of sputum in suspected cases, and for preventing the spread of tuberculosis in said District of Columbia, approved May 13, 1908 (35 Stat ., pp . 126- 127), under the direction of the health o fficer o f said D istrict , manufa cture of serums , includ ing thei r use in indigent cases, and for the prevention of infantile paralysis and other communicable diseases, and of an Act for the prevention of venereal diseases in the District of Columbia, and for other pur- poses, approved February 26, 1925 (43 Stat., pp . 1001-1003), and for mai ntenan ce of disinf ecting servi ce, in cludin g sala ries o r com- pensation for personal services, when ordered in writing by the Com- missioners and necessary for the enforcement and execution of said Acts, a nd for the p revent ion of such other commun icable disea ses as hereinbefore provided, and purchase of reference books and medical journals, $43,830 : Provided, That any bacteriologist employed under this appropriation may be assigned by the health officer to the bac- teriological examination of milk and other dairy products and of the water supplies of dairy farms, and to such other sanitary works as in the judgment of the health officer will promote the public health, whether such examinations be or be not directly related to contagious diseases . For the maintenance of a dispensary or dispensaries for the treat- ment of indigent persons suffering from tuberculosis and of indigent persons suffering from venereal diseases, including payment for per- s onal ser vices, r ent, su pplies, and cont ingent e xpenses , $45,38 0


vided, Tha t the Comm issio ners may accep t suc h vol untee r ser vices as they deem expedient in connection with the establishment and maintenance of the dispensaries herein authorized

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That this shall not be construed to authorize the expenditure or the ' payment of any money on account of any such volunteer service . Nursing service : For maintaining a nursing service, including per- sonal services, uniforms, supplies, and contingent expenses, $143,440 : Provided, That the Commissioners may accept such volunteer serv- ices as they deem expedient in connection with the maintenance of the nursing service herein authorized : Provided further, That t his sha ll not be construed to authorize the expenditure or payment of any money on account of any such volunteer service . For enforcement of the provisions of an Act to provide for the drainage of lots in the District of Columbia, approved May 19, 1896 (29 Stat ., pp . 125-126), and an Act to provide for the abatement of nuisanc es in the Di strict of Co lumbia by th e Comm ission ers, a nd for other purposes, approved April 14, 1906, $1,000 . Pre vention of co n- tagious diseases . Contingent expen- ses . 29 Stat . 635. 34 Stat . 889. Tuberculosis regis . t ration . 35 Stat. 126. 375 Heal th Depart . ment. Sal aries . Personal services . Infantile paralysis . Venereal diseases . 43 Stat. 1001. Disinfecting service . Proviso . Bacteriological ex . amination of milk, etc . Tuberculosis and venereal dispensaries . Provisos . Volunteer services . Compe nsation re- striction . Nursing service . Pro vis os. Volunteer services . Com pen sat ion re- striction. Drai nage of lots, etc. 29 Stat. 121. 34 Stat .114 .