Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/408

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75TH CONG RESS, 1ST SESSI ON-CH . 403-JUNE 29, 1937 For provisions, fuel, forage, harness, and vehicles and repairs to same, ice, shoes, clothing, dry goods, tailoring, drugs and medical supplies, furniture and bedding, kitchen utensils, and other neces- sary items, and maintenance of non-passenger-carrying motor vehicles, $78,000 . For repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds, such work to be performed by day labor or otherwise in the discretion of the Commissioners, $4,500 . For the purchase, including exchange, of one three-ton dump truck, $2,500. For purchase and installation of an additional boiler for the heat- ing plant, $15,750 . MUNICIPAL LODGING HOUSE For personal services, $3,600 ; maintenance, $4,000 ; in all, $7,600 . PUBLIC ASSISTANCE For the purpose of affording relief to residents of the District of Columbia who are unemployed or otherwise in distress because of the existing emergency, to be expended by the Board of Pub- lic Welfare of the District of Columbia by employment and direct relief, in the discretion of t he Board of Commissioners and under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the board and without regard to the provisions of any other law, payable from the revenues of the District of Columbia, $ 1,411,500, and not to exceed 10 per centum of this appropriation and of Federal grants reimbursed under this appropriation shall be expended for personal services : Provided, That all auditing, disbursing, and accounting for funds administered through the Public Assistance Division of the Board of Public Wel- fare, including all employees engaged in such work and records relating thereto, shall be under the supervision and control of the Auditor of the District of Columbia . Assistance against old-age want : To carry out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to amend the Code of Laws for the District of Columbia in relation to providing assistance against old- age want", approved August 24, 1935 (49 Stat ., p . 747), including not to exceed $32,265 for personal services and other necessary expenses, $428,265 . Pensions for needy blind persons : To carry out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide aid for needy blind persons of the District of Columbia and authorizing appropriations therefor", approved August 24,1935 (49 Stat ., p . 744), $36,645, TEM PORARY HOME FOR FORMER SOLDIE RS AND SAILORS For personal services, $4,620 ; maintenance, $11,750 ; and repairs to buildings and grounds $1,000 ; in all, $17,370, to be expended under the direction of the Commissioners ; and former Union soldiers, sailors, or marines of the Civil War, former soldiers, sailors, or marines of the Spanish War, Philippine Insurrection or China relief expedition, and former soldiers, sailors, or marines of the World War or who served prior to July 2, 1921, shall be admitted to the home, all under the supervision of a board of management . FLORENCE CRITTENTON HOME For care and maintenance of women and children under a con- tract to be made with the Florence Crittenton Home by the Board of Public Welfare, maintenance, $9,000 . Contingent ex- penses . Repairs, etc . ; day labor . Truck. Heating plant, im- provements. 383 Municipal Lodging House. Pu blic assi stance . Relief of the unem . ployed, etc . From District reve- nues. Proviso . Supervision of ac- counts, etc . Ol d-age ass istance . 49 Stat .747. Past, p. 760 . Pensions for the n eedy blind . 49 scat . 744. T empora ryhome for f ormer soldi ers and sailors . Personal services, maintenance, etc . Florence Crittenton Home .