Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/967

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INDEX Customs, Bur.aa of. See Treasury De- Pa,e partment. Customs Coart, Valted State& See Jus- tice, Department of. Customs Service, Northern Pacific Hali- but Act of 1937, enforcement of pro- vision! by________________________ 327 Customs Statistics, appropriation for ('ollecting, etc_ ____________________ 286 Customs TariD's, Intematlonal Bareaa for Publication of, appropriaUon for con- tribution _________________________ 267 Cuttyhunk Harbor, Mas&, improvement authorized________________________ 845 C)'presa Creek, Md., improvement au- ti,{lrized________ ___ ___ ____________ 846 Czechoalo vaJda: Appropriation for- Minister to __ . _ ______________ __ ___ 263 Prague, remodeling legation at_ _____ 266 D Dahlgren, VL: Appropriation for school at ordnance station_________________________ 104 Time extended for bridging Potomac River at___________________ _____ 241 DaIr, ladu_try, Bur....f . See Agricul- ture, Department of. Dall.., Tex.: Exposition at. SUI Greater l'eUll and Pan American Exposition. Parcel-post building site, exchange of certain lands in connection with___ 206 Damale Claims, deficiency appropriation for _________________________ 1~232. 775 DauphiD blaDd, AIL: Coast Guard station establishment autho~ed______________________ 640 Time extended for bridging Mobile Bay at ____________ . ____ ____ ____ ____ 250 D..,h Penalt" State law to govern manner of inftiction__ __ __ ____ ________ __ ___ 304 Decatur, Nebr., time extended for bridging Mi880uri River at_________________ 48 Dee, Creek, VL, improvement author- ized______________________________ 846 DefectiYe DeHDqaent&, VDlted States Hospital for, appropriation for ______ 281 DelicleDc, A:pproprlaUoD Act, FilCai Vear 1937, first: Appropriation for- Agriculture, Department of _________ 12 Commodity Exchange Act, enfofC'.C- ment______________________ 12 Forest Service __________________ 12 Audited claimB _____ ~ ___ _____ ______ 16 Charles Carron of Carrollton BL'en- tenary COmmission_______ _____ 10 Damage claiDlll____________________ 15 DeIleleDc, ApproprlatioD Act, Fiscal Y•• 1937, First-Continued. Appropriation for-Continued. District 01 Ollumbia______________ _ Boiler inspection and regulation __ _ Contingent, etc., expenses _______ _ Employees' compensation fund __ _ Fire Department. ______________ _ Register of Wills _______________ _ District of Columbia Airport Com- mil.sioll _____________________ _ Emergency Conservation Work ____ _ Farm Credit AdministraticlD _______ _ Federal Communications Commis- sion ________________________ _ Interior, Department of. __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ War Minerals Relief Commission __ Judgments, against coUectors of cus- toms ________________________ _ Court 01 Claims ________________ _ United States Courts ___________ _ Justice, Department of. ___ __ ___ __ _ _ Attorney GeneraJ, Office of______ _ Rules in actions at law, prepara- tionof ____________________ _ United States Courtl!l ___________ _ Labor, Department of ____________ _ Secretary. Office of. ____________ _ Legislative Branch of the Govern- ment _______________________ _ Architect of the Capitol. __ .. _____ _ House of Representatives________ _ Joint Committee on Government OrganizatioD _______________ _ Senate ________________________ _ Navy Department________________ _ Secretary, Office 01. ____________ _ POI!It Office Department ___________ _ Second Assistant POI!Itmaswr Gen- eral, Office 01. _____________ _ Reliel and work relief_____________ _ Treasury Department_____________ _ Accounts and DepOl!lits, Office of Commissioner of ___________ _ Budget, Bureau 01 the __________ _ Coaat Guard___________________ _ Engraving and Printing, Bureau 01_ Procurement Dh'it;ion-Public Buildings Branch __________ _ Secretary, Office 01. __ __ __ _ .____ _ Veterana' Administration __________ _ War Department_________________ _ Quartermaater Corps ___________ _ Secretary, Office of _____________ _ Congressional investigations and In- quiries, restriction on payment of compeDl!&tion from relief funds of persona not taken from relief rolls_ Health and 6&nitation activities, ftood- stricken a/-eas, allocation of funds for, authorized _________________ _ XXIII Pan 11 11 12 11 12 11 10 10 11 11 12 12 18 16 15 12 12 13 13 13 13 8 9 9 9 8 13 13 13 13 ]0 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 JI 15 15 15 10 21