Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/973

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INDEX XXIX District of Columbia Airport Commlll8lon. Pace appropriation for__________________ 10 District of Columbia Alley DwelliJ~g Authority. funds continued available for______________________________ 333 DIstrict of Columbia Code Amendments. See District of Columbia. District ofCoJumbla Revenue Act of 1937. See Dist!'ict of Columbia. Dolls Creek. N . C.• examination author- ized _ ___ _ __ __ __ ______ ________ ___ _ 853 Domestic Commerce and Raw Materials Investigations. appropriation for __ __ 2SG Domlzdcan Republic: Appn.priation for minister to_ ________ 263 Sanchez, Mercedes Martinez Viuda de, appropriation authorized for pay- ment for account oL____ __ ____ __ 132 Appropriation for_ .__ __ ___ ___ _____ 769 Sugar Act of 1937, establishment of liquid sugar quota under _______ __ 908 Dominion of Canada. 8ee Canada. Dorr. George B•• appropriation for salary _ 604 Dravosburi. Pa.. time extended for bridg- ing Monongahcla River at_ _________ 245 Dru, Plants, approprbl.t ·ion for investiga- tions_ ____ ______ _____ _____ _____ __ _ 408 Dry-Laa. Agricllltare. approlpriation for investigations___________________ 408, 761 Duck Point Cove and Tedious Creek. Md•• examination authorized_ _ __________ 852 Duft'ey. Warren I., payment to widow of- _ 9 Da,demonia Bayuu, La.. examination authorized________________________ 878 Dulutb. MinD•• appropriation for hydro- graphic office expenses__ ___ __ ______ 118 Duteb Elm Diseaae Eradlcatloa. al)l)ro- prilition for____ ____ _______ ________ 417 E Eagle Rock. Mo., bridge authorized acrOBB White River aL __ ____ _____ __ 20 East P.. Channel. Fla.. examination authorized____ ___ __ __ __ __ __ ___ ____ 8;.3 East St. Louis, DI.. time extended for bridging Mississippi River at._ _ _ _ _ __ 244 Eastside. Oreg.. construction of dam, etc., at, authorized_________________ 856 Ecuador: Appropriation for minister 1.0 _______ . _ 263 Alfaro, Olmedo, admission to U. H. Military Academy _____ . ________ _ 303 Edenton B.y. N. C•• e.,amination of chan- nel to Pembroke Creek, authorizetL _ 853 Edllirtown Harbor. Mass., improvement authorized________________________ 845 Educ:aUoaaJ Exbibita, appropriation for preparation oL_____ _____ ___ ____ ___ 150 Educ:ation AB80ciation. See National Ed- ucation ABBOciation of the United StatCII. Education. OID.ce of. See Interior De- Pace partmt'nt of. ElJ'pt: Appropriation for minister to_________ 263 Conference on Extraterritorial Rights in, appropriation for ____ ___ __ ____ 228 Elghtb InternatioDal Road Congrell8. 1938, appropriation authorized for partici- pation expenses ________ .__ __ __ __ __ _ 750' Electric Home aad Farm Authority: Continuation of, untU June 30,1939___ 5 Authority to incllr obligatil)ns_ ______ 5 Funds continued available for ___ . ___ 348, 757 Eleventh International Dairy Congress, BerUn. Germany. appropriation au- thorized for participation eXJ>CD8eB_ _ 249 Appropriation for __ _ _ _ __ ____ __ ______ 770 El8n Coye. AI . . . . .. examination author- ized______________________________ 8.~ ED Cove. Md .. examination authorized_ _ 852 Elizabetb RIYer. Va.. exuuination author- ized______________________________ 853 EUs ....orth. Lincoln. appropriation for med- al for_____________________________ 231 ElokomiD Slou,h. Wash., improvement authorized________________________ 849 Emergency BaakJa, Act, appropriation for administrative expenses __ 137, 138, 139, 143 Emer.ency Beards. appropriation for expenses of_ ___ ___ ____________ ____ 340 Emergency Consenation Work: Appropriation for ______________ . ____ 10 Employees' compensation fund __ . ___ 334 Transfer of personnel, property, etc., to Civilian Conservation Corps__ __ 320 Emer,ency Farm Mort,age Ad of 1933, Ameadmenta: Land Bank Commi88ioner, loans by- Joint-stock land banks, amount avail- able for loans to_______________ 703 Nonagricultural purposes, refinancing indebtedneB8 incurred for _____ __ 708 Defennent of .principal payments_ . 708 Loans, interest rallf limitation on loalUl Emerg::!erii;ti;i -l~~;;;;I~U~-'; -A~t -~r 521 1936. allocation of fUlIds for health and sanitation· activities. flood- stricken areas, authorized______ _____ 21 Emerlt!ncy ReUer Appropriation Ad of 1931: Appropriation for relief and work relief _ 352 Administration, amount for ____ _____ 353 Balances reappropriated _____ __ ____ _ 353 Classes of projects; amounts_ _______ 353 Increases authorized_ ___ _____ ____ 353 Interchange of funds____ _ __ ___ ____ _ 353 Adjusted eompelUlation paymcnt not consider·cd in detennining need for emploYlllenL ___ __ ________ ____ __ 354 Administrativc expenses __ • _ _ ___ _ ____ 356