Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/974

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xxx Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1937-Continued. Aliens, restriction on employment of illegally entered ________________ _ Appointments, apportionment of _____ . . States, from residents _____________ _ Apportionment and distribution to cover fiscal year ________________ _ Candidates, etc., for political office, restriction on payments to ______ . . _ Citizens, preference to be given to ____ _ World War and Spanit;h War \"(.t- erans, preference to___________ _ Disability or death cOlJlpensation; avail- ability of special fund ___________ _ State workmen'. compensation 1&"'lI , eases coming within purview of_ Employment of needy not heretofore U8ted _________________________ _ False statement. to defraud, penalty __ _ Federal Emergency Relief Administra- tion, liquidation of _____________ _ Minor purchases without advertising __ _ Penal, etc., institution construction projcetR, restriction on usc of funds for ___________________________ _ Prevailing rates of pay on projects ____ _ Private employment, refusal to accept_ Resumption of stat,us on expiration __ Report to Congrt'88 _________________ _ Resettlement Administration, expendi- tures for loan.. etc., authorized by_ Rules and regulations by President ___ _ Supervisory, etc., officers, appointment by President.; confirmation by Senate ______ .. ______________ ,_' _ Supplies, etc_, IIpceial fund for purchase, etc., of _______ ... _______________ _ Work forbidden IInl("08 sum for comple- tion allocated __________________ . Flood-control, etc_, projectR, excl'p- tion ____________________ ... __ .. EmerleDt Appropriations, Fiscal Year 1937. Bee also Deficiency Acts. Appropriation for- Commerce, Department of _____ .. Federal Trade Commission _____ . Interstate Commerce Commission __ _ Railroad Retirement Board .. ___ _ .___ Senate __________________________ _ Treasury Department_________ . __ .._ ElIlployees' Compensation CommissIon: Appropriation for ___________ - - _.. ___ _ Employees' compenRation fund_ Civil Workll ______________ .. .. Emergency Conservation Work __ _ Emergt'llcy Relief _______ ..-__ .... EmploYlIler,t Serri~ Bee United States Employmt'nt Service. INDEX Pa&,e 354 355 355 354 355 355 350 356 356 3M 356 357 356 357 354 353 354 357 353 354 3.';5 35fi 353 3!jfi 136 135 135 136 135 136 333 333 334 334 Enlineerlnf, Bureau or. Bee Navy ~ partment. Engineers. Corps of. See War Department. England. See Great Britain. EDaravlD' and Printin,. Bureau of. Bee also Treasury Department. Additional building, completion of con- stnlctlon ______________________ _ Enlisted Reserves, pensions laws for peace- time service extended to members of _ Entomolol)' ud Plut Quarutlne, Bureau of. B" alBo Agriculture, Department of. In800t pest and plant diseue control, administration of appropriation for _ Epldelllies, appropriation for prevention of_______________________________ _ Equatorial and Sout.. Sea Islands, appro- priation for ad.miniBtration ____ . ___ _ _ ErIe Harbor. P . ., examination author- ized _____________________________ _ EscaDaba Harbor, Mich., examination authorized_______________________ _ Estate Tase., D. C. B" District of Columbia, Revenue Act of 1937. Estero River, Fla., examinat.ion author- ized _____________________________ _ Estollla, Latvia, Lith....... appropriation for minister to____________________ _ Eucbee, Olda.. appropriation for education of Indians_______________________ _ Eufaula, Old.., appropriation for educa- tion of Indians ___________________ _ Earopeaa CorD Borer Control, appropria- tion for __________________________ _ Everlladea NMtiODal Park, 'Ia.. proWbi~ tion on C"tpenditure of public Inoney for administration, etc., eliminated __ Ellecutive Departlllents. See also Gov- ernment Employees. Accounting, payment for metered serv- icell ___________________________ _ Annual, etc., reports, printing dillcon- tinued; originals to be kept on file_ Application for examination for appoint- ment in, certificate of residence to accompany ______________ . . __ _ _ _ Arid and semiarid areas, water conserva- tion, etc., cooperation by ________ _ Anns, etc., for protection of public property, issuc of, allthorized at request of heads of. ______ ______ _ Automobiles, cost limitation; Usc re- stricted to official bUlliness _______ _ Ch'ilian Conservation Corps, utiliza- tion of services and facHitiell by __ _ Civilian personnel stationed abroad, allotment of pay pennitted ______ _ Codification of docllments; publication in special or supplemental editions of Federal Regist<>r _____________ _ Page 774 ao5 58 149 614 854 S78 263 583 583 417 742 119 186 168 63 163 321 166 304