Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 1.djvu/977

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INDEX XXXIII Federal Communleations Commission- Page Continued. Great Lakes.eto.,investigation of radiore- quirements for ships navigating on _ 197 Federal Credit Union Ad, Amendment. space in Federal buildings for credit unions_ _ ________ _________________ 487 Federal Emerlency Administration 01 Public Works. See also Public Works Administration Extension Act of 1937. Administrath'e e~-penees, amollnt avail- able for _ __ __ ___ ___ ________ __ ___ 351 Federal Emerlency ReUel Administration: Deficiency appropriation for damage claims _______________________ 232,775 Liquidation of. ___ ___ __ ___ ___ _ _ __ __ _ 357 Feder~ Farm Loan Act. Amendments: Farm loan associations-- AssociatioD8 fonned of ten or more borrowers___ ._____________ ___ 711 Common board of directors between two or more_ _ _____________ ___ 710 Directors, terms of office modified___ 710 Failure to meet obligatioD8; appoint- ment of conservator___________ 713 Loans, agreement to service, between local associations_ ____________ _ 713 Loans where stock impaired_ ______ _ 711 Prospective borrowers, election 0'- _ _ 710 Territories, adj ustment of boundaries_ 707 Voting, shareholders' meetings ______ 71 0 Intermediate credit banks-- Annual earninga, dispo~ition of______ 715 Debentures, collateral security for___ 715 Preparation and issue, regulations governing__________________ 715 Purehase of______________ ._ ______ 715 Location in each fann crrdit district_ 707 Property, acquisition and disposal of _ 715 Land Bank Commissioner, interest rate limitation on loans by _____ __ ____ _ 521 Land banks-- Bond committee, subcommittee au- thorized______________________ 709 Borrowers, transfer to Farm Mort- gage Corporation permitted_ ____ 710 Districts, provisions repealed _ _ _ _ ___ '107 Examiners, designation cbanged____ _ 710 Farm credit board members ex of- fi"io directors of, in district_ __ __ 707 Loans-- Interest rate reduction, extension of, on loans by______________ 521 Pa.yments by United States on account of, continued___ __ _ 521 I.iquidation of indebtedness in- CIITn'd prior to Ja.n. 1 . 19:;7__ _ 708 Powers ____ . _______________ ________ 708 Federal Farm Mortlale CorporatioD = Pare Administrative expenses, funds rvail- able for_ _______ _________ _______ 434 Payments to, on account of interest rate reduction_ ___ __ ____ _______ ____ __ 771 Federal Farm Mortgl\lle Corporation Act. Amendments: Consolidated fann loan bonds, purchase of; loans to Federal land banks__ _ 703 Extension of unpaid obligations; inter- est rate________________________ 703 Federal Home LoaD Bank Board: Appropriation for _ _ _ _ ____ _______ ___ _ 348 Transfer of funds of hank~, ete., under supervision of, to Tre8lillry Depart- ment for check-clcaring, ete., ex- penses ________ .__ __ __ __ __ ___ __ _ 773 Federal HoMln, Administration: Appropriation for _________________ 350.768 Debentures, extension of period of guarantee of, iaBuP.d by Admin- istrator_______ __ ___ __ _____ ___ __ 20 Public Relations and Educational Divi- sion, amount avaihble for ___ _____ 350 Federal Industrial InsUtation lor Women, AldersoD, W. Va., ,..ppropriation for_ _ 281 Federal Land Bank.. See also Federal Farm Loan Act, Amendments. Appropriation for- Payments on account of interest rate reduction on mortgages__ _____ _ 14, 771 Subscriptions to paid-in surplus_ _ _ _ 138 Loans by, interest rate reduction con- tinued_________________________ 521 Federal Power Commluloll: Appropriation for ______ __ ___ ___ ___ __ 334 Bonneville dam project, approval of power rate schedules by __________ 734 Federal Rellster, appropriation for print- ing,ete__________________________ 184 Federal Register Act, Amendment: Codification of documenls by Federsl agencies___ ___ ______________ __ _ _ 304 Administrative regulations______ __ __ 305 C'.odilieation Board established; com- position, duties_ _ ___ __________ 305 Publication in special or supple- mental editions_ ___ _____ ___ _ __ 305 Federal ReserTe Ad, Amendments: Federal Reserve notes, issue to Federal Reserve banks; collateral required_ 23 Direct obligations of United States as security, time extended for use &8___________________________ 23 Withdrawals. daily notice of, to Board of ('..overnors ______ _____ ___ ____ 23 Federal Savings and LoaD Insurance Cor- poration. administrative expenses, amount available for______________ 351