Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 50 Part 2.djvu/45

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75TH CONGRESS, 18T SESSION-CHS. 128, 129-APRIL 24, 26, 1937 [CHAPTER 128] April24,1937 AN ACT [S. 1455] To authorize certain officers of the United States Navy, officers, enlisted men, and [Private, No. 55] civilian employees of the United States Army and officers and enlisted men of the Marine Corps to accept such medals, orders, and decorations as have been tendered them by foreign governments in appreciation of services rendered. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Navy, Army, and United States of America in Congress assembled, That the following- Marine Corps. Acceptance of cer- named officers of the United States Navy, officers, enlisted men, and tain decorations, etc., tendere by foreign civilian employees of the United States Army, and officers and governents, author- enlisted men of the Marine Corps are hereby authorized to accept such medals, orders, and decorations as have been tendered them by foreign governments in appreciation of services rendered: Navy. United States Navy: Rear Admiral William H. Standley, retired; Captain Laurence N. McNair; Captain William D. Puleston; Cap- tain John T. G. Stapler; Captain Rufus F. Zogbaum, retired; Cap- tain Harry J. Abbett; Captain Archibald L. Parsons (CEC); Captain Grear A. Duncan (CEC); Captain Ernest R. Gayler (CEC); Commander Wallace L. Lind; Lieutenant Commander Ben N. Wyatt; Lieutenant Commander Frederick S. Holmes; Lieutenant Brook S. Mansfield; Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Robert R. DeWolfe; Captain Charles C. Gill; Captain Henry K. Hewitt; Captain Paul H. Bastedo; Captain Ross T. McIntire (MC); Lieutenant Paul W. Hord; and Lieutenant Augustus D. Clark. y. United States Army: Major General Andrew Moses; Colonel Charles Burnett; Colonel Albert Gilmor; Lieutenant Colonel John A. Crane; Lieutenant Colonel Henry B. Cheadle; Lieutenant Colonel Clarence H. Danielson; Lieutenant Colonel James A. Dorst; Lieu- tenant Colonel Robert L. Eichelberger; Lieutenant Colonel James A. Lester; Lieutenant Colonel Herbert E. Marshburn; Lieutenant Colonel Alvan C. Sanderford; Lieutenant Colonel Rodney H. Smith; Lieutenant Colonel Iverson B. Summers; Lieutenant Colonel Basilio J. Valdes, Philippine Army; Lieutenant Colonel Robert I-I. Van Volkenburgh; Major Charles R. Finley; Major William Sackville; Major William E. Shipp; Captain William D. Hohenthal; Captain Carnes B. Lee; Captain Edwin L. Sibert; Second Lieutenant Stephen Walsh Holderness; Private Mikael Torres; Doctor William H. Brown, civilian employee, Philippine Government; Doctor Samuel M. Burka, Air Corps Civilian Employee; Captain Ciriado Carillo, Philippine Coast Guard; John B. Johnson, Air Corps Civilian Employee; Jean A. Roche, Air Corps Civilian Employee. Marine Corps. goyee. MrMarine Corps: Colonel Frank E. Evans. Lieutenant Colonel Pedro A. Del Valle; Lieutenant Colonel Maurice G. Holmes; Captain Harold D. Hansen; First Sergeant Frederick Belton; Major General Charles H. Lyman; Lieutenant Colonel James Roosevelt (VMCR); and Captain John D. Blanchard. Approved, April 24, 1937. [CHAPTER 129] April 26, 1937 AN ACT [H. R . 1913) For the relief of Matt Burgess. [Private, No. 56] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Maent tBurge. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $6,500 to Matt Burgess in full settlement of all claims against the United States because of a judgment rendered against and paid 948